Tuesday 17 May 2011

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  • nippyjun
    Apr 17, 10:58 AM
    I purchased a new western digital my passport essential external drive.

    It keeps powering down/ejecting on it's own.

    It's the kind that is powered by the USB ports on your computer.

    I formatted it with fat32 but I also tried Mac formatting and it did not matter.

    I'm using it on a late 2008 MacBook pro.

    I tried a different USB cable with no benefit.

    It shuts down at what seems like random intervals.

    Any ideas on what this can be?


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  • jenzjen
    May 5, 08:51 PM
    If your MDP->DP cables are from Monoprice (or are the same as those from Monoprice) then that's your problem. Those cables are crap. They don't send a proper active signal or something when you start up.

    This is an over simplification, as I believe I posted in that thread as well. I have a 5870 driving 3 Dell 2410s all with monoprice cables with no issue, 1 dvi and 2 mdp/dp. The subtlety was with, at least Dell monitors, something in the xx11 model lineup that made it an issue.

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  • MacNut
    Apr 23, 05:35 PM
    A personal assistant?

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  • phatpat88
    Aug 7, 08:51 PM
    No... that was a lot of people getting confused. MS was giving away VirtualPC which is a Windows product. They never were giving away any Mac products, nor were they intending to as far as we know.

    Yes, but we don't exactly know when that will come out. Look for it AFTER Vista (if that can happen) ;)


    Universal Office will arrive in Approx. Late Sept-Nov.

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  • Tomple
    Nov 8, 11:48 PM
    Bro .. that desktop is terrible and depressing. Where's the color ?

    I like it

    sleek is what i would say, not depressing

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  • chrissurra
    Oct 24, 08:51 PM
    I will be there.

    But I keep forgetting which subway station is the closest stop to the 5th Ave store...

    The N & R are about 2 blocks away

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  • sparks9
    Oct 26, 03:08 PM
    Based on the above drawings, this would be a disaster.

    The interface is now clunky, crowded and unintuitive.
    Biggest problem- take a look-it will require two hands to operate, thereby negating what every one else has been trying to imitate-the ease of use of the iPod scroll wheel.

    Oh please... :rolleyes: This is a stupid drawing, the iPod is not gonna look like this. The Apple engineers know what they are doing.

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  • dmw007
    Sep 6, 10:31 AM
    Now replace work with school, and you have me... :rolleyes:

    Sorry to hear about that ham_man.

    Fortunately for me I am at school typing this on an iMac G5 (can't stand the brand-new-but-still-crappy Dells).

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  • JDDavis
    Mar 7, 08:03 PM
    Right now, I have copied all of my photos and videos to cds and dvds, so I here ya that protecting one's 'family memories' are priority. However, with a vast collection, do photographers burn photos and videos to discs? I think a Blu-Ray player would help since they hold up to 25 GB and 48 GB or so respectfully. Can an individual burn non-HD content to Blu-Ray discs? I should research before I assume!

    Also, as of now, I save non-keepers, but I do not have a lot of photos. At least not yet. :D Although, I have deleted photos, but I still have some blurry photos and crappy videos.

    Thanks for reiterating the importance of a backup plan!

    CDs and DVDs are certainly one way to do it. I know plenty of people still use them as another layer of backup and if you have the discipline and are shooting lots of pics it can be a good way to catalog shoots. I stopped using CDs and DVDs a few years back. Hard drives are just too inexpensive now and it was just too much of a hassle for me to burn sets of photos, store, and keep up with individual discs. With my job I move frequently and it's just another thing to loose. I opted for the simplicity of Time Machine (or similar program) and redundant backups and I'm happy with it. The simplicity and automation really make sure I actually do the backups which is the most important part ;).

    I stopped saving non-keepers a few years ago too and it cut down on my workflow a lot. There's nothing wrong with saving everything but I found that I was wasting a lot of time dealing with them and trying to save borderline images. The first thing I do know is go through several culling sessions when I download the camera and cut out everything that's not a "keeper" for me. I delete them and forget them. I find I'm not spending a lot of time on borderline shots and I'm only spending time in post processing on what I thought were the few best shots of the bunch. I do tend to keep more family pictures though because they are more about recording the moment. Hope all this helps.

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  • mac 2005
    Sep 12, 09:07 AM
    I was aboard a transcontinental flight to Los Angeles on the morning of Sept. 11, going to a trade show. The captain gave no indication of what was going on in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., saying only that there was a problem with the air traffic control system. As a result, the system was going to be shut down within the hour and our flight needed to return home. We were about 30 minutes out at that point.

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  • ImperialX
    Jan 15, 07:16 PM
    i was looking forward to mbp updates and cinema displays after the macbook air. why didn't steve do his "one more thing..." like he usaually does?

    Only Steve knows. You can ask him if you want.

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  • Colinwoods84
    Apr 27, 03:17 PM
    so ive got about 6217 files that are mpeg. I have so many different ranges of music on my ipod its killing me in my truck with things sounding better then others. So my question is and I dont know if this will help but should I just convert my entire music library over to aac? I have already made a back up of my music folder and went ahead and started to convert. If you folks say this is good then I will just go ahead and delete and move to trash all the mpegs.

    Let me know please

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  • k�RR
    Jan 24, 05:27 AM
    nice to see some action here, thankyou everybody!

    my primary use is illustrator and photoshop and even thou
    the graphire is 4 and the intous is 2 i'll go for the intous i think,
    the intous is about 100$ and the graphire 150$ so it's a step up to the intous 3

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  • macachia
    Apr 12, 12:10 PM
    i think what cutyoursim is doing is quite legal.

    My local vodafone charges 100euros (was 200euros last year) to unlock any iphone & get it registered on apple's servers.

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  • twentytwo22
    Mar 31, 07:07 PM
    Yehhh babbyyy!!


    Except that that doesn't work on the iPad 2

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 18, 11:26 AM
    These rumors are starting to randomly coalesce around what I think is a more probable timeline of events:

    1) The iPhone 5 is launched in late summer/early fall (with September an obvious target date)
    --This phone sees modest improvements like a slightly better camera, perhaps more storage, white option, and an antenna refinement combined with perhaps a slightly improved processor (but nothing dramatic)

    2) The iPhone 6 is launched in September of 2012 with a larger screen (maybe-I'm still skeptical of this), a processor from the iPad line, redesign, LTE, and new goodies to lurch the phone forward (much like the retina display was for iP4).

    3) The iPhone line permanently moves to a fall launch sequence and essentially replaces the iPod line at September events.

    The rumors are clearly pointing to a September launch, especially with the white 4 around the corner. I think this is a mistake on Apple's part when Android phones are able to leap frog within a few months. I also think that dominating more news cycles is possible when you launch products at their own dedicated events, but if the white iPhone 4 is really going to be out soon, I don't see how a revamp is possible just 2 months later in June.

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  • steve18
    Mar 16, 04:44 AM
    Thanks for the reply Laird but think it's the keyboard at fault (just bought on ebay). With Keyboard Viewer open when I press the alt key the corresponding alt key on the viewer doesn't go grey as all the other keys do when pressed.

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  • dianeoforegon
    May 5, 06:13 PM
    I like 1Password (http://agilebits.com/products/1Password/Mac) for archiving my serial numbers and other passwords. You can even store the email in 1Password as reference.

    For archiving check out Mail Archiver X (http://www.mothsoftware.com/drupalmoth/content/what-mail-archiver-x) It allows you to export and use their database for viewing so it's easy to find an old email. It also allows you to export in other formats as well like FileMaker. Works with Entourage, Eudora, Mail, Outlook, Postbox, Powermail, Thunderbird.

    EagleFiler (http://c-command.com/eaglefiler/) is another option by the maker of SpamSieve that can archive your mail.

    Both have demos.

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  • Nike Mercurial Vapor FG Soccer

  • marianok
    Apr 22, 11:25 PM
    Hello all!

    I partitioned my primary disk into 2 parts and installed snow leopard on the second. The problem was, the second was too small. So now, months after having used my secondary partition, I realized I no longer need the primary, so I have deleted it. I'm trying to find a way to resize the second partition into the space the first partition left. It seems like the only thing I can do is create a new partition with the free space, transfer all my data into that new one, and delete this one, then resize. but I'm sure there must be an easier way to do this without having to go through all that trouble. I know that if i would have deleted my secondary partition, I would have been able to resize my primary. Is there a way to resize now? maybe through terminal or a third party app?

    Sep 12, 08:24 PM
    my 5g wont let me play zuma.

    any help here?

    Try Authorizing your library. It fixed my problem.

    Feb 23, 07:48 AM
    Youve got a day to sell it, before its another model older..

    Mar 11, 11:47 AM
    No. He's referring to best buy.

    Good thing this thread is for the Gateway, oh well it doesn't matter.

    Any update on the line size at the Gateway?

    Well over 100 last I check, I'm in front and can't see the back.

    Jan 23, 02:33 AM
    So I just got my apogee duet (it's from 2007 which previously belonged to my friend who passed it on to me). I have a Macbook Pro 10.6.4 version and the cable it came with is a 400-400 so I went out and bought a 800-400 cable for it to plug into my macbook. Heres the problem, as soon as I plug the firewire cable into the port my macbook completely SHUTS OFF/CRASHES. EVERYTIME where I can't get the duet working. I tried turning off my macbook THEN plugging the firewire into the port. After that I'll turn on my macbook and it will work with the firewire plugged in but that does not mean I can get it working. The firewire has to be unplugged then plugged back into to initiate a response to turn the duet on but NO, my macbook completely shuts off again. I haven't even gotten a chance to use this baby, I haven't been able to get it working/turn on even once.

    What is the problem here?!

    Mar 19, 01:32 PM
    If you don't want to deal with eBay, how come they are listed on eBay?

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