Tuesday 17 May 2011

happy birthday love quotes for him

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  • mikeapple
    Apr 4, 09:03 PM
    The Macbook Air is GREAT product, BUT you really have to observe yourself and think will you every need a bright display, backlit keys, or fast processing(i kno the apps load FAST but exporting iMovie takes a LONG time)... if you can do without those things and NEVER will need them... GO for the MBA... if not.... user your $1000-$1500 elsewhere... thats a lot of money

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  • Coleman2010
    Apr 19, 07:25 AM
    Thanks, much appreciated. But, dang it, I can't for the life of me figure out how to send a PM. The option just doesn't seem to exist (I know, I must seem like a total n00b).
    I think you need at least 5 posts to PM. Maybe more. Get to posting!

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  • ThunderLounge
    Oct 8, 12:06 PM
    Heres the thing the new wireless spectrum actually is WiMax, to those who don't know what WiMax is, pretty much some people say its WIFI on steroids. Also the fact that if Tmobile is talking to apple it may have to do not only with Iphones but laptops. Wimax works in a way that you can have broadband connections up to 75mbps. So if Tmobile is talking to Apple they are probably going to design a chip or something so that people who buy apple then sign on to Tmobile and will have access to the internet with extremely high speeds anywhere in the US. :) What Tmobile is doing has more to do with Laptops than it would with Phones. Think of it on WiMax you can have IPTV and VOIP running and still surf the net. Not only that Intel and Motorola invested over 1 billion into Clearwire, INTEL IS designing new chips for WIMAX. I dont think this has to do with the Iphones.

    If this is the direction T-Mobile is heading in... I'm there. Although I doubt it would be something seen anytime soon. Not that I would buy a T-Mobile phone, but I'd get their net access if it was Mac compatible. Heck, if any cell provider offered Mac compatible broadband, I'd be on it. Even if that menat having to buy a new machine, just for the compatibility. What better excuse for a new Mac? :)

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  • bella92108
    Mar 31, 12:55 PM
    Irrelevant. Just because Android is the lowest common denominator doesn't make it better. Nor does it mean that Apple aren't going to carry on making huge profits. Consider the case of OSX/Windows if you need help understanding this.

    So there are thousands of people who stupidly didn't do their research and bought the wrong product. Compare that to the millions of satisfied customers who don't spend all day whining on the internet.

    That's a fanboy in denial. Believe me, I'm an Apple fanboy, but I'm not going to support their mobile phone OS anymore, which alienates MY wishes as a customer. You can do as you please.

    Comparing to windows? A product with 25 years of success being #1 compared to an OS that rose to and then fell from the #1 spot over 3 years? That doesn't even make sense. If you want to make a level comparison, compare windows to OSX, but then that'd go against your point as well.

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  • benhollberg
    Apr 25, 09:02 PM
    I am trying to go to a website, I can't access it though. I can access every other webpage I want on my MacBook Pro, iPhone, iPad... but this one site. I believe it is because of my service provider, which is Comcast. When attempting to load the page in any browser I get the response the the server wasn't responding. When I try to connect the site through other service providers, I have a Clear iSpot and AT&T iPhone 4, I can access it just fine on all my machines.

    Anyone ever heard of this happening? I have been in contact with the administrator of the site who has tried to give me solutions but nothing has worked. I really need to get this resolved quick, I would love help. Thanks.

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  • iPegboy
    Jan 7, 02:25 PM
    if you want a least amount of crowds day, i say Thursday. but Wednesday is also good.

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  • chrmjenkins
    Mar 23, 02:34 PM
    0100001001100101001000000111001101110101011100100110010100100000011101000110111100100000011001000111 0010011010010110111001101011001000000111100101101111011101010111001000100000011011110111011001100001 011011000111010001101001011011100110010100101110

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  • jiminaus
    Apr 9, 04:28 AM
    If perl -V is still trying to invoke /opt/local/bin/perl it's because bash still has that lookup cached. Either run hash -r or simply close the current Terminal window and open a new one.

    But if neither of these work, perhaps /usr/bin/perl as been overwritten. What is the output of ls -ld /usr/bin/perl? For me it this,

    ~$ ls -ld /usr/bin/perl
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 86000 24 Jun 2009 /usr/bin/perl

    happy birthday love quotes for him. happy love quotes about him
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  • dubbz
    Sep 25, 03:45 PM
    Well, if you don't want an Apple Display, but still want a pretty nice looking LCD, some people seem to be a bit ga-ga over the Dells. :)


    *hugs screen*

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  • John J Rambo
    Mar 7, 03:40 PM
    Browsers are evil. More time can be spent "fixing" inconsistencies than actually designing the page. I normally use FireBug to step through page blocks and examine CSS. I've seen IE choke on something as simple as a missed semicolon.

    A guess right off the top is that it might be something with the box model. IE tends to interpret things a little differently so check your margins and padding closely. If that fails you might want to start with a blank page and add in components until the page breaks.

    By the way: It displays OK in IE8.

    Thanks Laird Knox,

    I've fixed the main navigation bar now and for the life of me I dont know how I did it. Think you were right about the box model.

    I'll check out FireBug! Thanks again

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  • Post image for Happy Birthday,

  • Peter Griffin
    Sep 10, 10:32 PM
    Well in case you haven't noticed, Kanye West's performance has been removed from the webcast version of Apple Music Event.

    LOL...I was wondering why it ended so abruptly. I can't say I couldn't see this coming

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  • happy love quotes about him.

  • dh2005
    May 5, 08:58 PM
    I love that you chose the wired numeric keyboard. So much better...! I'm using one right now.

    I hate that goddamn Magic Mouse, though. Gave mine away, for no money. Pissed me off something terrible.

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  • happy birthday quotes love.

  • dmw007
    Sep 6, 10:31 AM
    Now replace work with school, and you have me... :rolleyes:

    Sorry to hear about that ham_man.

    Fortunately for me I am at school typing this on an iMac G5 (can't stand the brand-new-but-still-crappy Dells).

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  • happy birthday 18 quotes.

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 7, 03:23 PM
    Browsers are evil. More time can be spent "fixing" inconsistencies than actually designing the page. I normally use FireBug to step through page blocks and examine CSS. I've seen IE choke on something as simple as a missed semicolon.

    A guess right off the top is that it might be something with the box model. IE tends to interpret things a little differently so check your margins and padding closely. If that fails you might want to start with a blank page and add in components until the page breaks.

    By the way: It displays OK in IE8.

    happy birthday love quotes for him. Birthday Love Quotes
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  • Mr.PS
    Jan 16, 01:18 PM
    Just out of curiosity, what do you want a new Cinema Display for, exactly, that the current ones aren't doing?

    Reason I ask is because you seem pretty eager about it, but haven't really clarified your need.

    The current ones are old tech - the panel hasn't been updated since March 2006. I want what we all want. Built in isight, updated display, and more connections.

    If they had them, and consequently added probably $100 or more to the price of the display, would you actually commit to buying one... today?

    I most certainty would, I would order right now. Even if the display was $2500 I'd order it. The Dell 3008WPF is $2000... Money isn't the issue, it's the lack of updates. Sure the current ACD's are great, but they're OLD TECH and no body will pay full price for that. I want the newest and the best when I buy something.

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  • mad jew
    Dec 18, 10:41 PM
    Nice one there. I reckon it'd be really cool to make the font the same as the Dock's (the white outlined style) if you can be bothered. :cool:

    happy birthday love quotes for him. happy birthday love quotes
  • happy birthday love quotes

  • Leareth
    Feb 12, 03:06 AM
    If I remember this right when I installed OS X on my G3's
    I had to install 9.0 > 9.1 >9.2.0 >9.2.1>9.2.2 to get it to work in OS X
    the OS 9 installer is the one that had the firmware updates, and I think 8.6 had one too.
    Make sure you HD format is the right one too. I think it is supposed to be Mac OS Extended in order to install OS X, so you might have to wipe the hard drive.
    BTW I got rid of OS 9.2 from the G3's about a month later so you might just want to install OS X on a clean drive.

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  • Birthday message

  • product26
    May 3, 04:00 PM
    My G/F found these pages,


    These inspired us to start making some Cinemagraphs of our own! Here is our first attempt. More to come!


    happy birthday love quotes for him. Happy Birthday to Me
  • Happy Birthday to Me

  • Paradoxeon
    Apr 27, 08:27 PM
    Hmm, my title may be a bit misleading. I do understand Thunderbolt (I/o, 10 Gb's per sec, etc). However, some people have noticed the Thunderbolt port is the EXACT same as the mini display port. Whaddup with that? Does that mean, my old iMac with a mini display port is different than the coming iMac with a mini-display-port-renamed-thunderbolt? The ports are the same, it looks like they just renamed it.

    Apr 12, 09:00 PM
    This seems to be the best solution I've come across yet

    Any other recommendations?

    Mac Seller
    Apr 8, 09:20 PM
    I was not aware that I broke a rule. I read some of the other blogs and thought this is in the same vein. Now what? MS

    May 4, 10:34 AM
    The i7 won't be better at running that game. As a result, either get a 15" MBP if you want to do serious gaming or just go with the i5.

    Nov 11, 02:41 PM
    Where did you get that wallpaper ?

    its a picture taken by a photographer on another forum I'm on... and Idk if he wants me posting up the original...

    Mar 9, 05:29 PM
    Check that you're using your ISP's DNS servers. I've seen similar problems where users have changed to a different ISP's DNS for troubleshooting reasons and forgotten to change them back, causing geolocation to return a non-optimal server.

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