Tuesday 17 May 2011

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  • oyam5000
    Aug 8, 02:57 PM
    [QUOTE=Cameront9]So with WMP gone and now VPC gone, the only MAJOR software developed for Macs by Microsoft is Office?

    WMP may be killed but Microsoft made Flip4Mac� which plays .wma and .wmv useing quick time. It works fine.

    By the way you can still download WMP here.

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  • thegoldenmackid
    Sep 17, 10:23 PM
    How do you join? :)

    I attempted to use this (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=47705) sticky. Note, a lot of the links are dead. Also, you are asking someone for advice that admitted they probably didn't do it right.

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  • gauchogolfer
    Mar 7, 10:32 AM
    I just joined up also, putting all those spare G4 CPU cycles to work....not sure how many I can spare, come to think of it. Now a MBP, that thing could FOLD!

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  • kavika411
    Mar 3, 02:47 PM
    No one needs that much money. Assuming his wealth is around 40 billion, that's more than anyone could ever spend or needs. I say tax it all, and leave him with a few hundred million. That's still an insane amount of money. That way, he'd be paying his fair share of taxes, and would still have more money than he needs.

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  • frunkis54
    Apr 2, 03:17 PM
    Is anyone else seeing this annoying lottery ad that keep having a pop up video. even pop ups when you have them turned off:(

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  • acidfast7
    Apr 21, 02:39 AM

    I told you guys that appl would never get close to selling 50M iPads this year. 4M in the first quarter looks more 12-15M than 50M.


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  • makefunnyfaces
    Apr 6, 03:57 PM
    Question: What's the difference between a tethered & untethered jailbreak? :p I don't know much about it.

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  • Phil Of Mac
    Dec 31, 12:45 AM
    Originally posted by Macette
    but am totally impressed. it's very hard to design information-based sites

    Information-based sites?

    As opposed to...?

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  • zacman
    Apr 20, 04:52 PM
    Again google ships nothing at all. Show me data indicating a single quarter where a major version of Android was shipped on 40 million compatible units and then you can start making iOS comparisons.

    It's not me it's the dying man that makes the OS comparisons at every keynote. Well actually he only did when iOS was in a leading position...

    The last Android vs. iOS comparison he made was something like: "We have 350k apps!". Well Android now has about 325k apps and grows by about 35k apps per month. I guess that comparison won't make it into his June keynote....

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  • Kennywayne3295
    Mar 28, 12:56 PM
    Actually i had an iMac G3 as a server to my at the time main computer, the eMac. surprisingly it was fast, the iMac had a bigger hard drive so i'd keep my web design apps on it's server partition and connect to server when i needed them. I used sharepoints on OS X Jaguar. Worked really well, I'd also stream videos and store files. Suprising what you can do with a 266 Mhz iMac G3 with only 96 mb of ram.

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  • Xavier
    Apr 30, 04:36 PM
    Back in the days of mac os 9 and 8, I recall using a multiple user type of software called ______.

    Can anyone help me find out what it was called? I remember the little "people" icons had round heads with a rectangular body.

    Also, I tired searching for this on the forums already as im sure it has been posted, but because I don't know the name, no luck.

    Any help would be great!

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  • qbricc
    Mar 10, 11:28 AM
    Cheers for the info. Is there any way to get itunes to downscale to 16 bit in order for me to load onto an iPod? I don't want to move down to 128 kbps but something inbetween.

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  • jeremy.king
    Oct 18, 01:10 PM
    Its a mirror, so grab the reference while you can.


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  • bertomactic
    Apr 28, 12:51 AM
    The blinking folder/question mark icon means the computer can't find a viable OS to boot from. You never did answer Intell's question: did you install OS X onto the replacement drives? You can't boot from a blank HDD.

    I believe i did answer Intels question. Cool. Thanks

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  • Siggen
    Apr 16, 05:55 AM
    they are having trouble with the A5 bootrom. Looks bad.

    But a userland exploit works, at least for 4.3 and partially for 4.3.x

    Yhe reason the 4.3 jailbreak has yet to be released is that the hack contains apple code, and distrubuting the jailbreak would be piracy.

    So i think he is trying to write his own code to exchange the apple parts.

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  • norV
    Apr 17, 10:35 AM
    If you are watching LiveTV over VPN DO NOT INSTALL THE Optimum LiveTV app update. I installed it and it breaks watching LiveTV over VPN. Luckily I had the app backed up and reinstalled the older version back on my iPad.

    ......ah crap.

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  • bjdku
    Oct 4, 09:13 AM
    OMG! That would be awesome - a phone that's a GPS Navigation that you could load where you're going in the phone with relevant picture pointers 'you are now passing MacDonalds on your right handside' and picture flashes up on your phone of the location taken by another user of Googlemaps... while you're driving in the car...

    That's way more than I thought the iPhone would be... if it is the iPhone.

    If it is then Apple will have pulled another 'miracle of modern technologies' off!

    I think this is good thing!


    You are foaming at the mouth. :)

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  • vixapphire
    Jan 26, 09:10 PM
    Thanks, Dante. Your patient elucidation is much appreciated. I use my desktop for music production, and my laptop for everything else, including photoshop stuff for CD covers, etc.; the next step is consolidation into a single machine (now that I've sold off a ton of synth hardware and am more in-the-box). The color accuracy is obviously not the be-all and end-all for my applications, but I wouldn't want to save a couple of bucks and end up with something I couldn't use in everything I do.

    I saw the HP in person today for the first time, and it does look great. As for the form factor element of the equation, I like the fact that it can be lowered on its stand to where the screen is almost sitting on the tabletop, and the screen can be turned L-R without moving the stand. I have a nice couch off to the side of my rig, where I'd like to be able to turn a 30" monitor for an occasional evening's DVD-viewing with friends, and hadn't yet figured out how this would "go" with an ACD (this studio arrangement is new; previously my couch was behind the main seating position at the rig).

    Most of the above is doubtless more than you need or care to know, but let me finish my blathering by thanking you again. Best,


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  • Zeterain
    Mar 11, 10:06 PM
    They had all wifi blacks, and all but the 16 wifi whites. They had enough for all tickets given out, but that may be about it.

    Ended up getting a 64gb White. Had a great time :)

    Apr 12, 03:08 PM
    I tied both and it's gave the same warning
    Tried both? You've only posted one attempted solution. Please don't expect us to guess what the other one was. If you haven't already, I'd suggest reading through What Have You Tried (http://whathaveyoutried.com) and especially the kinder, gentler Getting Answers (http://www.mikeash.com/getting_answers.html).

    Mar 11, 02:56 AM
    As for other people problems, not really. They alone time I had a problem was during the iPhone 4 launch when a bunch of people drove by and taunted everyone because they pre-ordered and got it in the mail earlier.

    Oh, sorry about that ;)

    May 3, 12:59 AM
    what about using a display will my macbook run sluggish because the display will be higher in resolution and the GPU will have to work more?

    May 6, 12:10 AM
    reports are indicating that the remaining lineup of macs will be refreshed within the next couple months.

    Not knowing when is that "next couple months" is very painful... :(

    They better not, I just bought mine 3 days ago!

    You should've read the buyer's guide page first.

    This will be my first MAC too.

    The macbook should be updating soon but I personally would rather develop on a macbook air rather than a macbook. Only problem depending on how much code you have to write is the small screen with the entry level macbook air.

    The reason I would rather develop on a macbook air is simply because it runs mundane tasks at a much higher speed than the macbook. I would assume you are going to use xcode which does not take much cpu power but it does take a use a significant amount of Hard drive usage.

    If you do get an air make sure to buy the 4GB of ram as it is not user upgradable.

    I agree with the small screen.
    Even though I'm always "on the go" but small screen will not be so convenient.

    After re-thinking my decision I end up ordering a Macbook Pro instead, the cheapest I can get plus I'm eligible for Education discount since I'm a university student. :D

    Jan 17, 10:34 PM
    try a plist edit.

    What file? Location?

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