Tuesday 17 May 2011

female back tattoos

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  • pianojoe
    Dec 31, 03:35 AM
    I like the new design although:

    I'm losing some screen real estate on my 12" PB. The first quarter of the screen is just the top ad, the logo, and the search field.

    It should be possible to make that more compact.

    If this is my own private HTML rendering problem, I'll gladly provide a screen shot.

    Go out and party!

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  • Kobushi
    Dec 18, 11:58 PM
    I was gonna go with a g**tse-themed avatar, but unfortunately came to my senses. Lucky for you guys.

    Good Lord! I hope you weren't planning on animating that one!

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  • Analog Kid
    Oct 12, 04:10 AM
    The short answer is: accumulation of rounding errors.

    It's obviously a bit sad that the internal algorithms of spreadsheets can't even get such simple calculations as the ones in the above examples truly right.

    But the underlying problem is that they are basically ignorant of the underlying maths. They do not understand that a whole number multiplied by 0.2 can never result in a number with more than one digit after the decimal point.

    For reliable number-cracking you need something like Mathematica (this is not meant to be an ad, although I happily confess that I saw this Excel stunt being performed by a guy named Wolfram).

    UPDATE: I just checked the spreadsheet functionality of Pages. It's no better than its competitors.

    The same thing also happens if you use numbers of the type 'float' in many programming languages.

    The above-mentioned example in PHP:

    for($i=1; $i < 30; $i++) {

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  • GGJstudios
    Mar 15, 10:47 PM
    Yep. Typo. Nothing more.

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  • w_parietti22
    Sep 24, 12:54 AM
    o... and I forgot to mention... you have to pay for it. The free version, has DVDxDV on the clips.

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  • VanMac
    Sep 26, 07:44 AM
    yup purchased on september 24th I always procrastinate (butchered spelling)
    Me too.

    I finally filled out my form, but found I was on day 47, and they say within 45 days. I called the rebate center. They were very nice, and said there is a 15 day grace period, but to get it in asap and I would be covered :)

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  • AdrianK
    Mar 10, 11:57 AM
    Cheers for the info. Is there any way to get itunes to downscale to 16 bit in order for me to load onto an iPod? I don't want to move down to 128 kbps but something inbetween.

    I don't really understand your question...

    You'll need to re-encode your content, then you can choose whatever bitrate you want if you choose to go lossy, otherwise there's always Apple Lossless. You can use Max for this.

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  • xkmxkmxlmx
    May 4, 08:29 AM
    Love them so much. There is a really cool movie specific one here http://iwdrm.tumblr.com/page/2

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  • themacgition
    Oct 24, 09:42 PM
    Aww am I the only one? :(:confused:

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  • Gix1k
    Apr 26, 07:47 AM
    Damn damn damn!!!

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  • antdawe
    Mar 31, 08:02 AM
    I agree.

    Tho I really wonder who is using Facetime? I know everyone talks about it like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it's like the webcam on my mac, yeah it's nice to have when I call my mom across the country, but it's something I'd use about 0.01% of the time, and if I were going to use it, it's more likely I'd tell my mom to get on the computer and skype me on my computer to have full screen HD video chat...

    I use FaceTime every other night to speak with my daughter.

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  • Female Upper Back Tattoo

  • mwilloam
    Feb 9, 10:14 AM
    Edit: I didn't read the replies before writing this. Exactly what they said above. I am also not a developer so I like pure CSS and avoid scripting.

    This is wat I do. Give the current page's relative list item a specific class called "current" or whatever and then style that class accordingly. see:

    <li class="current">Page 1</li>
    <li><a href="http://www.page2.html">Page 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.page3.html">Page 3</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.page4.html">Page 4</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.page5.html">Page 5</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://www.page6.html">Page 6</a></li>

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  • NAG
    Apr 15, 03:39 PM
    Yadda yadda

    About the 3D, yeah we're definitely agreeing here. No real gain, more work. Cost/benefit doesn't pan out.

    As far as the second thing, I wasn't referencing you. Whoops. Sorry. :o Should have quoted them. Anyway, I agree that virtual sticks aren't the devil (unlike cursors controlled by dpads). Still, I think there has to be a better way for some of the interactions and that they're mostly being used as kludges (again, basically agreeing).

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  • iJaz
    Oct 25, 09:49 AM
    If you're going to "steal" music just use limewire or soulseek. Why pay someone to steal it for you? I don't understand.

    I didn't say I supported AllofMP3's way to do their shady business, I meant that legal downloading should be modelled like AllofMP3 AND that the artists should get paid.

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  • Female Lower Back Tattoos.

  • Fredstar
    Mar 19, 03:30 AM
    This will be great with a Mac Mini and once they get a final release. I hope, if this reaches a good enough release stage, that perhaps Apple could sell it on their website or whatever.

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  • kcdude
    May 1, 08:31 PM

    female back tattoos. Upper Back Tattoo Ideas
  • Upper Back Tattoo Ideas

  • mroddjob
    Apr 13, 05:51 AM
    this isn't too difficult to do, there are many ways of doing it.

    The way i would do it is with airport expresses and small hi-fi/speaker systems. If you put an airport express into each room they are all capable of receiving a steam from the imac. You then plug the airport express into a hi-fi which will give you control over the volume in each room.

    In the waiting room you would also have the same setup and also plug the tv audio output into the hi-fi, then someone can choose the tv or the airport express as the source.

    Airports only technically stream from itunes but you can buy a cheep app called airfoil which will stream music from any program i.e pandora.

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  • d4nvu
    May 7, 12:33 AM
    would you guys upgrade from the late 2009 whitemacbook?

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  • R94N
    Feb 3, 09:52 AM
    VW and Audi both have their respective ads as well; I like the Passat ad.



    Mar 9, 06:03 PM
    not that anyone cares, but I (and some Apple employees) found the problems. Apparently Sandy Bridge machines HAVE THE EXACT same problem has I have. They loaded a TIFF file from my machine onto a floor model, same deal as I have. They loaded the same file onto a pre-SB machine, loads A-OK.

    So they are sending in my logs to the software engineers to make them aware of it, as I am assuming this is the first case they have encountered. I am wondering if old NEF files (such as D2x etc) have the same problem?

    In anycase, lets hope they can give me an answer in the next few days.

    Mar 7, 03:03 PM
    If its AE, probably one of the trapcode plugs. If its Photoshop i'd probably have to say gaussian blur.. sorry its vanilla, but i use it all the time !

    If we are taking audio plugins, heres my condensed list - microtonic (drum synth.. awesome), reaktor :p, waves plugins..

    Mar 23, 01:15 PM
    What if you download them directly from Apple (the best source for updates of this nature)?

    Well, I thought that I was doing so by going through VT. I don't think VT hosts the files, they only provide a direct link to the download URL.

    I was able to download the update on my G5 and it mounted properly this morning. I'm going to try and move it over to my iBook and install it there. Keeping my fingers crossed.


    Apr 25, 12:04 AM
    are there instructions somewhere on how i could set this up?

    Apr 25, 08:27 AM
    there is no buttons in finder to copy, cut & paste! :( I can not find them ! where they are ?

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