Monday 16 May 2011

matematicas para nios

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  • y matemáticas para niños y

  • puma1552
    Apr 7, 01:03 AM
    In contrast to the other thread, what things will you ALWAYS cheap out on?

    For me its:

    --Appliances (I have a $20 blender [it really is a piece of crap and can't cut ice or even power up enough to spin a blender with ice in it, this pretty much enraged me while trying to make a fruit smoothie the other night] and a $25 toaster oven). I would like stainless steel major appliances though.

    --Dishes, every time I'm in some store that's selling teacups for $60 I just think "Who the hell needs a $60 teacup?" and then I think about the dollar store/IKEA plain white dishes I have and think to myself how awesome I am for being smart when it comes to buying dishes and silverware, lol.

    --Toilet paper, I used to be a 2-ply guy like any other self-respecting individual, until the wife got me on 1-ply and seriously, 2-ply doesn't compare anymore, you can't get as clean with 2-ply as with 1-ply, this is not noticeable until switching to 1-ply, true story.

    --Furniture, but make no mistake, I don't buy cheapo Walmart stuff etc. All of the stuff I buy is very nice and very stylish, but I don't need some $2000 dresser or sofa. I also like my furniture to be relatively compact in that I can't stand the enormous bulky eyesore couches/sofas most people have, so more compact stuff I think tends to be cheaper anyway (think like IKEA sofas). My $80 desk is also OK, certainly don't need a $1000 1-ton carved desk. When furniture is cheap, it's easy to deal with when you move and easily replaced for more modern/updated stuff.

    --Household cleaners, generics are fine (except detergent)

    --Medication, generics are usually fine

    --Bath towels

    --Haircuts, whether they are $10 or $50 they all look the same when you have really short hair like I do.

    I probably sound like a slob who lives in an unimpressive place, but all of my clothes are quite nice/designer, nice watch, nice manbag, nice shoes, and my apartment is very modern and extremely clean, and well-kept. But for the everyday incidentals, I just don't spend much. Other than those necessary consumable things everyone needs, I tend not to be cheap with most stuff--if something isn't quality, I tend not to buy it.

    What do you always cheap out on?

    matematicas para nios. Estudiante de Matemáticas
  • Estudiante de Matemáticas

  • rcha101
    Sep 13, 05:13 PM
    Is there going to be another iPod updater that will incorporate the features like the searching and fast scrolling letter label thing onto current 5G iPods? I hope so, that searching has been a feature calling from me for ages...:)

    From my experience the "fast scrolling letter label thing" is in the 1.2 update but not the new search function.

    matematicas para nios. BITS DE MATEMATICAS PARA BEBES

  • skoker
    Dec 19, 08:46 AM

    I have one of these too, and I was going to sell it as of this week, but recently (like Saturday) I started using it again and I LOVE it. It makes iTMS videos look awesome when played full screen in iTunes. Just make sure to change the resolution to 1024x768 NTSC in system prefs to get the full effect.

    matematicas para nios. he hecho es para la parte
  • he hecho es para la parte

  • DeSnousa
    Sep 11, 07:22 AM
    Well I was asleep, woke up in the morning to watch tv. I believe the 2nd building had just collapsed, me and mum were in such shock. Went to school and all we did that day was watch the tv.

    May God be with those lost souls.

    matematicas para nios. POEMAS PARA NIÑOS middot; FICHAS DE

  • iboost79
    Apr 13, 10:38 AM
    Unlocking service are already shutting down? This site has discontinued it after 2 days in operation.

    matematicas para nios. CM y Matemáticas para los
  • CM y Matemáticas para los

  • JDDavis
    Mar 7, 10:23 AM
    I won't offer any advice on size since that's a bit subjective but I will offer some advice on backup. When deciding what size and how many drives to buy spend most of your time thinking about your backup plan. Once you've settled on that then go get the drives.

    I recently lost the 500gb drive in my 07 iMac. That's where my Aperture library was. My advice on backup is to keep it simple and redundant. I don't archive SD cards nor save non-keepers. What I did though was let Time Machine backup my Aperture Library (I manage all photos in Aperture) and I kept Aperture vaults on two seperate external hardrives. (So there are 4 drives involved already...5 if you count the one I left at my parents over Christmas as an offsite). Moral of the story. I put a new HD in the iMac (1TB WD Cavier Green) and got back every single bit of data and every photo with no issues. Luckily I had updated the vaults and had not taken any new photos before the HD crash.

    BTW, I do the same for family home movies. They are all digital and the thought of loosing them is unfathomable.

    Personally I believe a backup strategy is priority one no matter if you are noob or a seasoned pro. Those shots mean something to you and if you loose them they are gone forever.

    matematicas para nios. actividades para niños de
  • actividades para niños de

  • mahonmeister
    Oct 11, 10:36 PM
    I've been waiting for a reason to stop using MS office but I don't see that happening even with this update. I really want to buy iWork but I feel like I'd have to relearn everything and end up with an inferior program.

    I think it is sad how much Apple pushes the fact that Macs can run MS office. It's a slap in the face. Seeing that iWork only has two apps it's understandable they don't mention it in the commercials.

    Btw, what was the glitch with Calculator? How do you screw that up?

    matematicas para nios. A RESTAR PARA NIÑOS DE

  • MattSepeta
    Mar 7, 06:28 PM
    100teraflops ought to do it ;)

    matematicas para nios. básicas para niños
  • básicas para niños

  • briantoronto
    Apr 4, 03:55 PM
    Exactly. Not exactly a shocker considering the considerable price drop to some reasonable figures.

    Not just the price drop, but performance improvements as well. I had an orig. MBA, and it was a piece of s***. My new MBA is a pretty nice machine. Nice enough I sold my iPad to finance it.

    matematicas para nios. Fichas de matemáticas para
  • Fichas de matemáticas para

  • Sydde
    Jan 4, 04:21 PM
    Wow, caught me by surprise, the Scottish musician Gerry Rafferty has just died at 63. Liver failure For some, the bottle is a brutal, bitter master.

    matematicas para nios. de matemáticas, para niños
  • de matemáticas, para niños

  • mcarvin
    Apr 20, 04:13 AM
    So the previous "beta" releases on the Mac were just alphas? Interesting. How long has Opera 8 been in the making? I am surprised that they're already releasing it, but maybe it just feels short.

    *downloads Opera 8.00b1*

    The first alpha was posted on Jan. 7, so I'm not sure that this is a "short" job or anything. Opera for Mac snapshots (

    First significant bug - can't install skins anymore. However, I can log into VersionTracker now.

    matematicas para nios. para Niños y Bebés
  • para Niños y Bebés

  • yellow
    Oct 19, 03:42 PM
    Nice one, Chunny.

    matematicas para nios. matemáticas para reforzar
  • matemáticas para reforzar

  • Warp-Master
    Apr 8, 08:53 AM
    I have a 3rd Gen iPod Touch which I jailbroke at (4.0) with from COMEX.

    Recently I have been getting glitches, and crashes, I would like to update to 4.3.1

    This is my first JailBroken device and I am just curious as to go about this safely.

    What I thought to do is Restore my iPod in iTunes, Update it to the 4.3.1 Version and then run RedSnow on it. Is there more that I need to do?

    matematicas para nios. quot;Matemáticas para la vida
  • quot;Matemáticas para la vida

  • BoyBach
    Aug 7, 06:48 PM
    I just hope that iWork is mature enough by then to handle the office needs of some users.

    I'm sure that it will be. Remember that Microsoft has recently signed a contract to continue developing Mac Office for the next five years, and that maybe part of the agreement was that Apple would keep iWorks 'underpowered.' But with the 'Numbers' and 'Charts' trademarks, do you not think that maybe iWorks '07 might replace Appleworks, which is no longer supplied with new Macs? A more mature Pages and Keynote plus some kind of spreadsheet app would be fine for the majority of users.

    matematicas para nios. Me ofrezco para el
  • Me ofrezco para el

  • mcrain
    Mar 3, 03:12 PM
    Why didn't you vote "yes?"

    You so fundamentally don't understand the concept of taxes, I had to click other. What you make, after the price you pay to make that money (taxes), is yours to keep. Once you've paid the taxes that were due, the government can not, and should not, be allowed to cause you for forfeit that wealth.

    Your fundamental misunderstanding of taxes makes me smile sometimes.

    matematicas para nios. Matemáticas para niños:
  • Matemáticas para niños:

  • chicagdan
    Oct 4, 09:11 AM
    i guess i am the only one that finds this a bit wierd. and rubs me the wrong way. so somewhere in googles databases my life is recorded on where and when i was there? i bet the government would love to get a handle on that.

    Yep, I'm with you on that. It already bugs me that my Prius has a black box for accidents and a GPS built in (for the nav system.) Why do we *trust* this government to not ask companies to turn that information over (just like they asked for our phone records) and for these corporations getting billions in tax incentives to eagerly comply? Now if you carry a GPS, government will be able to know where you are at any moment. I'm not buying it unless Apple includes a pledge with the product that they will fight to protect my legal rights if any government agency asks for these records without probable cause.

    matematicas para nios. de matemáticas para niños
  • de matemáticas para niños

  • Hellhammer
    Jan 30, 03:32 AM

    People should just calm down and stop bitching about the carriers. Seriously, it doesn't matter what carrier you are using, as long as you are happy. If you aren't, switch the carrier and stop whining.

    matematicas para nios. de matemáticas para niños
  • de matemáticas para niños

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 27, 09:43 AM
    I prefer artwork of higher quality than that which iTunes automatically downloads. I recommend adding artwork manually, using sites such as Album Art Exchange (, as well as searching with Google. Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes ( is a great resource for managing your iTunes tags and files, and has a script to quickly identify which tracks lack artwork: Tracks Without Artwork to Playlist v3.3 (

    matematicas para nios. Velocidad de matemáticas para los niños es su guía para convertirse en un genio de las matemáticas - incluso si usted tiene problemas con las matemáticas en
  • Velocidad de matemáticas para los niños es su guía para convertirse en un genio de las matemáticas - incluso si usted tiene problemas con las matemáticas en

  • blueroom
    Apr 18, 10:23 AM
    A HyperMac MB060 would also work. Probably cheaper too.

    color guy
    Oct 8, 08:35 AM
    Ok, i know this site is by it's nature about gadgets, but for me it's all about the carrier.
    I've had 8 different carriers in the last 10 years. Many of them have merged/
    changed names/gone out of business.
    When i see people complaining about their carrier, it's always about coverage
    dropouts. Folks, ALL carriers will have SOME dropouts, especially if you live
    in a challenging physical terrain.
    What i found more aggravating is how obtuse and unresponsive these companies are. This is an area of modern commerce that is barely regulated.
    Politicians have been lobbied to allow a wild west mentality for an industry
    that has insinuated itself into most of our lives in just a short time.
    I've had carriers routinely sneak in extra charges. Representatives have no
    compunction about lying. I don't know about you, but i don't have time to
    audit my bill every month with a magnifying glass.
    Each carrier was worse than the last. The most annoying thing? Being
    put on hold for 40 minutes, than disconnected. This is intentional. They don't want to be accessible.
    Finally the last time i switched i did a search to see which companies had the least complaints. Although the billing practices overall in the industry
    are atrocious, i've had the best experience overall with my current carrier.
    This trumps any pleasure i would get from having a phone that integrates
    well with my macs.

    Mar 25, 05:44 AM
    I don't know about "often," but you never know until you test the market. The only thing that could potentially drive up the value to real interesting numbers is if it were completely new, as in never unpacked or used, utterly virginal. "Proof," as it were.

    Oct 25, 12:56 PM
    I'm freakin sick of the ITMS. :mad:

    I love iTunes and my iPod, but purchasing music that can only be put on an iPod is crap. There may be a better player out later which I want to go to and then *poof* my ITMS purchased tracks are crap.

    It's (significantly) cheaper.

    It's better.

    'Nuff said.

    Hmmn, have just tried 3 times to buy a PIN through Alltunes...card declined all 3 times, they SAY. Funny but it works everywhere else, including iTMS.

    will be checking my bank balance JUST IN CASE!

    So, it's NOT better in my experience.

    Apr 12, 02:22 AM
    I feel like a addict. I'll kiss a man for my jailbreak.
    I know people are working hard to get it done, and there is no one who appreciates their work more than I.

    There're creative ways to show your appreciation, kissing a man might not be enough motivation. Bust out some knee pads, then turn 'round, it ain't nuthin' but a butt ache; everyone cries their first time.

    Take one for the team and git'r done.

    May 4, 09:17 AM
    These pictures make me feel like I'm 1) in Harry Potter or 2) high.

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