Tuesday 17 May 2011

map of america states

map of america states. Click on the map below
  • Click on the map below

  • MacRumors
    Apr 28, 09:39 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/28/verizon-iphone-surge-yields-first-slip-in-android-u-s-sales-share-in-two-years/)



    map of america states. Map of United States of
  • Map of United States of

  • tristangage
    Apr 14, 04:55 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5147/5616757868_c5f1e7bfa7.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5616757868/)
    coloured inputs (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tristangage/5616757868/) by tristangage (http://www.flickr.com/people/tristangage/), on Flickr

    Camera Canon EOS 500D
    Exposure 0.025 sec (1/40)
    Aperture f/5.6
    Focal Length 55 mm
    ISO Speed 1600


    map of america states. Map of the United States of
  • Map of the United States of

  • notabadname
    Apr 13, 02:26 PM
    I don't think so :rolleyes:


    map of america states. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

  • blackstarliner
    Oct 24, 08:50 AM
    Heres a pic if anyone has missed it.

    Check out the footnote to the Swiss site (where the text is correct)

    Die Tests wurden von Apple im Mai 2006 mit Prototypen des 2 GHz MacBook und aktuellen 1,42 GHz PowerPC G4 basierten iBook G4 Computern durchgef�hrt.


    map of america states. The United States of America
  • The United States of America

  • boursin
    Sep 12, 08:22 PM
    Got this shirt this morning...



    map of america states. There are 50 states in the USA
  • There are 50 states in the USA

  • VanNess
    Jul 28, 01:09 PM
    Had Apple licensed FP a year ago like a lot of people were begging... they probably would have had to license it to MS.


    map of america states. Clickable map of America
  • Clickable map of America

  • Keebler
    Dec 30, 09:59 PM
    I'm going to just assume you are young and have time on your hands. Because when I was young and had time staying trim was quite easy., Let's talk when you're in your 30's and are a busy professional :rolleyes:

    I used to think that too and I was completely wrong. I used 'being busy with work' as a poor excuse. I absolutely regret it.

    He's right - it's a simple formula and one that really takes some discipline...that's all. Just a touch of strength.

    I'll also add, some knowledge too. Talking to a trainer with a nutritionist background was critical to my success. Understanding what the body needs based on your activity level, rather than what your MIND believes your body wants, is a small, but massively important factor.

    ie. on days I work out, I'll have my protein drink and a massive bowl of oatmeal - topped with a scoop of jam and/or peanut butter and some brown sugar. 1. it's got all the glucose I need after working out and 2. it satiates me until mid-afternoon and then I have a normal lunch. I could go on, but I don't want to drag it.

    My point is this: I hear you, I was you, but it's wrong. plain and simple. I normally don't tell people they're wrong so pls don't take offense :)

    i'm in my late 30s, 2 kids, the stay at home Dad running his own business and I'm in the best shape of my life. My wife is a financial planner running her own brokerage and she's in fantastic shape. If anything, being in better shape, eating right etc... has made my wife EVEN more successful. She has the energy, her mind is sharp and I believe it's because her 'engine' is running tip top. It's like having an old beat up car vs a new super engine cooled kick butt car - which one is going to go further and more efficiently? :)

    That's not to toot my own horn, but to say, it is possible. It has to be a lifestyle change.

    And hey, it's 2011 - time to make that change :)



    map of america states. Fullsize North America Map
  • Fullsize North America Map

  • Qwest905
    Jan 27, 06:53 AM
    http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/5308/sonyhtss37001.jpg (http://img163.imageshack.us/i/sonyhtss37001.jpg/)

    i bought it on friday and man the sound is amazing=D!!! the only thing missing is that i have to buy a HDMI Switcher for my PS3:) so i can enjoy my blu-ray movies/concert on my 32" TV and it all fitted in my room hehe:P

    isn't that the htss370...that should have 3 hdmi inputs and one output...you don't need a switcher


    map of america states. United States Map
  • United States Map

  • okwhatev
    Apr 14, 11:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    iBooks appears broken with the 4.3.2 redsnow jailbreak. Anyone else see this? Everything else runs fine, and like everyone else has commented, it seems snappier.


    map of america states. United States of America
  • United States of America

  • jasonxneo
    Apr 15, 02:35 PM
    Hope iCal has a de-uglify option.

    amen brotha!!!!


    map of america states. US state abbrev map.png
  • US state abbrev map.png

  • kernkraft
    Oct 28, 05:27 PM
    I'm a BMW fan and have thought about restoring an E30 or picking up an E36 M3. I personally would never buy a Countryman but the Cooper S and JCW appeals to me. I understand that this car may not appeal to some people but I personally dig it. It's very peppy and has soul. It does something for me and it's what matters. I've looked at a new BMW 335i...RWD...twin turbo. On paper it has everything a car guy would like but meh...too generic for me.

    I actually love those E30s, that is why I wouldn't have an issue driving any example. At least I'd be driving a decent car or something that was when new.

    I had all sorts of cars over the years, almost exclusively German premium ones but my biggest regret is not to get a 318is when I had the chance. I went for a practical E46 Touring (third in a row) and later I bought a 1983 SL280. That was a more special car but I still have a lot of admiration for those small BMW sport coupes. That is why actually, that I have high hopes about the 1 series coupes. The history is there, you can see the DNA, that's what BMW is very good at.


    map of america states. Tags: America Map, America Map
  • Tags: America Map, America Map

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 11, 07:28 PM
    looks like we've had a slow 24 hours

    Yes indeed, I think I will have the lowest point day I've had in a long time :eek:


    map of america states. in the USA - US State Map
  • in the USA - US State Map

  • Waybo
    Apr 2, 04:25 PM
    As we sailed out of Miami, we spotted this gorgeous home. It's still under construction. Wonder what it'll look like when it's done?!?

    ISO 1250, 155 mm, 0 ev, f/6, 1/4000


    map of america states. United States of America - Map
  • United States of America - Map

  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 11:01 PM
    I am very happy that Bin Laden got what was coming to him ... we also need to continue the fight on terrorism

    I think that last I heard, the "tactical target" should be Ayman al-Zawahiri. Bin Laden was just some "face", but the real brains is Ayman al-Zawahiri. He was sort of like Bin Laden's Spiritual guide. In a way, Bin Laden might be just some gullible rich dude that Ayman al-Zawahiri used.


    map of america states. A detailed street map and
  • A detailed street map and

  • Plutonius
    Apr 28, 06:33 PM
    Anyway, I�m going into the hospital tomorrow morning and I�m not sure when I�ll be posting again.

    Eeeek :eek: . I hope things go ok.


    map of america states. States of America maps - US
  • States of America maps - US

  • dr_lha
    Oct 18, 05:40 PM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

    Must every thread have this post in it?


    map of america states. The United States is situated
  • The United States is situated

  • displaced
    Jul 25, 04:32 PM
    Well Apple is using Intel parts now that explains the lower quality. They're taking their parts from the same bin now; quality suffers... :mad:

    Oh... dear... lord...

    The MBP's whine (arguably the biggest problem, barring heat) was caused by either: 1) the inverter for the LCD backlight, or 2) power regulation for the CPU, which (believe it or not) the G-series also required very similar parts. Neither of these components were designed or built by Intel. If you want to blame someone, blame Foxconn/Hon Hai/Asustek/whoever built the system. I'd probably put money on that company also having built PPC systems for Apple at some point.

    The heat? Well, again, depending on who you believe regarding the cause, that's either dodgy thermal paste application (blame Asustek/whoever again), or... well, let's say that the Core line are rather toasty no matter who's using it.... but again, for the computing power, the Core is a great piece of work. Before the switch, there was zero chance of us having a laptop with this amount of computational power at *any* heat output.

    Wonky 'eject' key on the MBP's? Asustek/whoever again.

    The switch to Intel had zero bearing on quality control. QC's performed by the system builder.

    Let's look back a bit through the mists of time...

    Apple-designed logic boards. Were they somehow sprinkled with the magic fairy-dust of goodness? No. iBook and eMac failures?

    Apple-designed chipsets: sub-par USB2 performance, even on the G5.

    Apple-designed power systems: G5 chirping.

    QC is a problem across the industry. Apple's used to be exemplary (many years ago... I'm talking Pismo/Wallstreet era). Now it's merely average or -- depending on the studies/surveys you believe -- slightly above-average.


    map of america states. US map - United States of
  • US map - United States of

  • ebow
    Aug 15, 03:17 PM
    im pretty sure this allows you to control how often applications spring up and down in the dock when something happens in them-- kinda like when you get an incoming chat while you are using another app...

    alot of people get annoyed by that feature and i am one of them

    I'm pretty confident that aspect is called "bounce". I know that Adium has an option to limit how many bounces the icon makes when it's trying to notify you of something. I thought that there was a setting for the OS itself but I could be wrong.

    The only significant place Apple has used the term "spring" before is with spring-loading folders, something they haven't yet brought to folders placed in the dock, so that must be what it means.


    map of america states. Peters map of America
  • Peters map of America

  • turbobass
    Apr 27, 04:28 PM
    Tuesday was yesterday. QUICK! Create a new thread saying that the new iMacs will be here NEXT TUESDAY!
    I'm shaking so hard from excitement after convincing myself this was true, I CAN'T TYPE!!

    Apr 26, 12:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Seriously, can you do anything without Apple getting their cut? It seems odd that you would buy music from them then have to pay to store it. It's like earning your paycheck after income and state tax are taken out and then buying something with the money and getting charged sales tax on it.

    Isn't that the way US commerce works now?!?!?

    and this isn't something you're obligated to do - this is an optional service of convenience. :rolleyes:

    Jun 7, 07:32 AM
    In 5 years he'll be the one that "accidentally" updated to the newest firmware and lost his jailbreak/unlock, and floods the forums with "what do now?????hurr durr"

    Jul 28, 09:48 AM
    Really depends on yoru defintion of success. Popularity wise it's been successful (360 is helped solely by the fact it's the only HD player out there right now) but as far as the stock holders and business men are concerned it's been a debacle - they've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the XBox and have still yet to see a single positve quarter, financially speaking, since it's inception.

    360's main advantage is that it's the only console of the three to release the next generation version. They have a year's head start on the other two.

    They're still losing money on the 360, but component costs will drop until they are making a profit on boxes. Don't forget, ALL consoles lose money when they first ship. With the original xbox, they never really caught up, but it looks like they will this time around. And with the PS3 shipping at an even higher price, there's less pressure for them to drop prices. As much money as MS has been losing, Sony stands to lose much more. If Sony doesn't get their act together, I could see MS and Nintendo driving Sony out of the video game business.

    I agree. I like MS strategy. They want to get their foot in the door and compete, then sell you all kinds of other ish. Look at the XBOX/XBOX 360, they may sell them at a loss, but with the Software, XBOX Live, and the Marketplace, they are making their money.

    That's the goal, but so far they have yet to get out of the red on xbox and 360. And "ish"? You seriously just said that?

    The OP statement was that the 360 was the only HD player on the market right now. Which clearly isn't true. Upscaling isn't HD in my book. But that is me.

    It does play GAMES at HD resolutions, right? The original post never said it plays HD dvd's.

    Apr 14, 07:31 PM
    Has anyone tried tethering their ipod touch 4 after this update, to a regular cellphone with internet, using bluetooth PAN, to see if you can still use the phone as an internet connection for your ipod?

    Apr 30, 11:29 AM
    I guess I have the opposite view of this since I will buy from iTunes as long as they continue to provide a lossless format--and Amazon provides only a lossy format. That is more important to me than a slight price difference. AAC plays on anything I need to play it on--and it could be converted to another lossless format such as FLAC if you really wanted to get out from under Apple's proprietary format. I am also a huge Amazon fan and a Prime member and buy a lot of stuff from them--but not MP3s.

    I don't want to burst your bubble but Apple sell their tracks in a lossy format. Apple's format for iTunes purcases is a different beast to Flac.

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