Thursday 19 May 2011

couple kissing

couple kissing. couple kissing bridge engaged
  • couple kissing bridge engaged

  • Queso
    Oct 26, 04:13 AM
    Then why not do the same with Office and windows game companies and X360 (no mac support)
    If you mean the Office formats, then yes they should, since as with music Microsoft do not create the contained data, they just wrap a format around it. However there is a huge difference between DRMd media content and PC/XBox games. The games cost the companies millions to develop on each platform, and it is their intellectual property in the first place. Adding DRM to someone else's music takes a push of a button.

    There has to be a dominant player in every market... THATS LIFE:confused:
    I don't get your logic there at all. As I've just said, DRMd media isn't the same as software. If I didn't want a dominant Sony Walkman 20 years ago, I bought a Panasonic and my tapes still played. If I decided my Philips DVD Player was rubbish, I could buy a JVC and the DVDs still played. As far as I'm concerned, anything I OWN, I should have fair use rights over, even if I wish to change the make of my player. Steve Jobs makes a big deal about us OWNING our music when we buy from iTunes. If I truly own it, I should have the right to use it how I wish. Which is it?

    :confused: Marginalisation:confused: How so??? Apple has continually raised the bar for other companies online stores and players to be better so that they can even compete with the iPod and iTS.
    That part of the comment was aimed more at the Microsoft DRM. I've been locked out of two streaming services now that I used to pay for, simply because they suddenly started requiring Windows DRM. Flip4Mac want to add Windows DRM to their Mac product and re-open such services to Mac users, but Microsoft won't let them. There are Linux users similarly locked out of iTunes. Therefore I have to conclude that any one company having rights over my ability to access paid-for content on the Internet isn't in my or your interests, even if that company is Apple.

    If DRM is necessary, it should be interoperable between different manufacturers. The aim of it should be to prevent illegal copying, not allow vendor lock in.

    couple kissing. Couple kissing. Blind date.
  • Couple kissing. Blind date.

  • whatever
    Aug 8, 09:01 AM (

    Microsoft has announced that it has halted development on a universal version of VirtualPC.

    Digg This (
    I used to use VirtualPC mainly to take screenshots for various Flash tutorials and demos that I created. Then one day I was in a rush and I took all of my screenshots using Safari and boy did people notice. The couldn't believe how much clearer the screens were and then one of my friends came forwarded and pointed out that most screenshots we see are taken from Macs in the first place.
    I soon stopped relying on VPC more and more. My IT department upgraded our e-mail servers so that I use either Mail or Entourage to see my e-mail and slowly I stopped using it completely.
    Back when the G5's came out, I could upgrade my machine because there was no support for VPC on a G5 (that changed eventually), but the thought of not being able to run VPC on Mac Pro has never crossed my mind.
    The need for VPC in the Mac/Intel age is gone and Microsoft is wise to move on.
    Perhaps they're doing this because they can now eaisly create and port native Mac OS apps.


    couple kissing. couple kissing. brand it
  • couple kissing. brand it

  • mattg3
    Apr 19, 05:32 AM
    Sorry for newbie question but if I have my music library on my imac and want to play it on my ipad,does the sync mean I dont actually have to move that music over to the ipad,taking up space but I can just play through the ipad?

    couple kissing. cartoon couple kissing
  • cartoon couple kissing

  • mactechey
    Jun 20, 05:44 PM
    Planning to go to lakeside apple store? anyone else planning to go there? what time?
    I'm planning to go there by 4 am. called up lakeside, they said they might open up the doors at 7am for the center? but dont know which entrance would be open first and will people be queuing up at the main entrances?
    anyone has got any more info on this?

    hello mate , just wondering if you can tell me what the que was like when you went there , as im planning to go to lakeside on thursday morning for the iphone 4 :) , what time do you think i should get there for ?


    couple kissing. Couple kissing
  • Couple kissing

  • JDDavis
    Mar 7, 10:23 AM
    I won't offer any advice on size since that's a bit subjective but I will offer some advice on backup. When deciding what size and how many drives to buy spend most of your time thinking about your backup plan. Once you've settled on that then go get the drives.

    I recently lost the 500gb drive in my 07 iMac. That's where my Aperture library was. My advice on backup is to keep it simple and redundant. I don't archive SD cards nor save non-keepers. What I did though was let Time Machine backup my Aperture Library (I manage all photos in Aperture) and I kept Aperture vaults on two seperate external hardrives. (So there are 4 drives involved already...5 if you count the one I left at my parents over Christmas as an offsite). Moral of the story. I put a new HD in the iMac (1TB WD Cavier Green) and got back every single bit of data and every photo with no issues. Luckily I had updated the vaults and had not taken any new photos before the HD crash.

    BTW, I do the same for family home movies. They are all digital and the thought of loosing them is unfathomable.

    Personally I believe a backup strategy is priority one no matter if you are noob or a seasoned pro. Those shots mean something to you and if you loose them they are gone forever.

    couple kissing. stock photo : couple kissing
  • stock photo : couple kissing

  • mulo
    May 5, 03:46 AM
    reports are indicating that the remaining lineup of macs will be refreshed within the next couple months.

    couple kissing. couple kissing. couple kissing
  • couple kissing. couple kissing

  • drumpat01
    Jan 11, 01:07 AM
    This is from a thread like 10 down from this one. You guys should really search before posting.

    The user's name who posted this was Embed.


    "For those of you that have a torrent client here is the .torrent file for


    Torrent file download:

    file discription:

    i havent downloaded it yet, but i hope it will be fine"


    I downloaded it. Its a screen capture and ok quality. You can actually see the bottom of his quicktime player during the least you have it though.

    couple kissing. Kissing Couple from
  • Kissing Couple from

  • old-wiz
    Mar 14, 12:30 PM
    There's no way to boot without the PRAM.

    couple kissing. couple-kissing-on-bench.jpg
  • couple-kissing-on-bench.jpg

  • juanlacueva
    May 5, 09:52 PM
    Did you try resetting Safari? Rebooting? Deleting the Safari .plist?

    Reset it, rebooted, checked for permissions, even run disk warrior.... nothing changed

    couple kissing. Couple kissing on stage
  • Couple kissing on stage

  • SWD
    May 6, 10:15 AM
    Anybody, anybody? Damn. Can anybody at least point me to another place to look for answers? thanks.

    couple kissing. Couple Kiss
  • Couple Kiss

  • arn
    Jun 15, 01:40 PM
    Hi guys,

    There's been an influx of analyst opinions recently... so we decided to try to track analyst predictions using the wiki. I had thought about a more automated system, but I think the wiki might actually be easier.

    Basically, the ideal is to create a wiki page for each analyst who comes out with predictions about Apple, list their predictions, dates, and in the end if it comes true or not.

    Any strong opinions on the names of the articles? I think it should be individuals rather than company names, since it seems the predictions come from individuals more consistently





    couple kissing. couple kissing
  • couple kissing

  • savoirfaire
    Oct 3, 08:36 PM
    Are there converter programs for ogg. and flac files for the Mac?? I am a pc owner switching to Mac in a month or two and was hoping to still download off this site and convert the same music files I'm use to converting now.
    Thanks :)

    Amadeus Pro will convert just about anything. It costs $40 but is well worth it imho. Otherwise, there are plenty of free programs that will do the same.

    couple kissing. you see, a couple kissing?
  • you see, a couple kissing?

  • gkarris
    Apr 22, 11:19 PM
    Back in '84 the recording choices were Beta or VHS... :eek:

    That would be the source, unfortunately.... ;)

    I guess is someone had a Beta Hi-Fi copy on a High Grade Tape with great reception, then you can capture it but need to use some sort of TBC with it.

    couple kissing. Couple kissing in front of
  • Couple kissing in front of

  • TommyBohn
    Nov 8, 03:49 PM (
    November Desktop ( by BohnTommy (, on Flickr

    couple kissing. couple kissing at wedding
  • couple kissing at wedding

  • maru06
    Mar 23, 05:17 PM
    Have a PowerMac G5 here at work that now flashes that wonderful blinking folder icon upon powering up. Seems to have lost its way to the operating system. The person before me did a wonderful job of not leaving behind any documentation regarding it... So now I'm stuck at square one with not much to go off of.

    Have tried all the discs in my office, that are all for Mac OS X (Mac Computers, etc, startup discs), and I keep getting the error that "Mac OS X cannot be installed on this computer". Lovely, right? It's an older model, I'm guessing before Mac started having Intel-based processors. Anyone know online where I can, maybe, download an appropriate startup disc, or if there's any way I can get to another startup screen?

    couple kissing. couple kissing sketch.
  • couple kissing sketch.

  • tech4all
    Jan 14, 05:27 PM
    let me start by saying that I just got my first mac ever (a new imac) last week.

    last night I spend close to an hour just opening tons of different sized windows and using expose.

    is this normal or is this the first sign of a mac addiction problem?

    or both? :)

    First just wanna say CONGRATS on your first Mac :)

    Now back to you question: Who's to say being addicted to a Mac isn't normal :p (yea I don't if that even makes sense, lol) But yes I love Epos� as well. Very handy feature.

    couple kissing. couple kissing wallpapers.
  • couple kissing wallpapers.

  • mc68k
    May 6, 12:31 PM
    i wonder if a single processor machine that repeatedly requests core82 and never gets it just hangs forever?

    that would suck for the whole project

    couple kissing. Title: Couple Kissing in Rome
  • Title: Couple Kissing in Rome

  • GroundLoop
    Jun 17, 01:12 PM
    Not everyone wants to have to click through an obscure link just to see what the OP was talking about. :rolleyes:

    Maybe I am just trying to give them their credit and help them earn some money for their wit and hard work by linking to their site.


    couple kissing. night-couple-kissing-
  • night-couple-kissing-

  • Ca$hflow
    Apr 12, 11:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Just create an unlocked iPhone and give every consumer choice. I thought apple is concerned with the users experience. I can't stand the BS in the whole unlocking/jailbreak experience. Apple just mandate that all phones are to be factory unlocked and quite bowing down to big cell companies.

    May 4, 12:03 PM
    very interesting, now have to figure out how to create one... thanks for sharing...

    Mar 24, 11:10 AM
    I thought it was dead.

    The reports of it's death were greatly exaggerated, partly due to a misunderstanding about the intent of NeoOffice.

    Hmm, blatant misrepresentation and sensationalism on Slashdot, whould'a thunk :rolleyes:

    Basically the developers had said that the Aqua native version was not going to be under active development, because they didn't have the resources and thought NeoOffice was the way to go. The X11 version was always being worked on.

    I think the NeoOffice developers (both of them! Have to give those two a huge amount of thanks for what they've done), have since worked something out to make sure an Aqua native version is not permanently shelved either.

    Mar 26, 04:43 PM
    I just got the iPad 2 and I was wondering when do you think the iPad 2 jailbreak will be out?

    As far as I know, Comex (@comex) has had it jailbroken since Mar 14th (tethered) and will release it when it's ready for public consumption. Hopefully days, but could be weeks, I guess...

    Jul 1, 11:45 PM
    I've tried VPC 6 in OS 9, running 98SE, 2000, and XP. 98's the fastest of the lot, 2000 comes in second, and XP is ridiculously slow. If you've got a choice between running VPC in 9 or X, run it in 9, it'll perform much better.

    Apr 13, 10:44 PM
    hows the quality compare to when you stream at home? Assuming vpn connection to the internet is slower

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