Tuesday 17 May 2011

nightmare before christmas tattoo

nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
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  • MacBandit
    Oct 2, 10:15 AM
    Originally posted by rburns
    This is a topic that's appeared in a few previous threads, but the recent barefeets benchmark tests comparing the slightly different configured 1GHz Quicksilver to the new 1 GHz dual, despite competing views these tests have generated, leave me and perhaps many of us wondering which is the better deal: a used dual GHz or its newer "equivalent"?

    I just bought from an individual the older one w/3yrs AppleCare, a gig of memory, the NVIDEA GForce 4MX, and an external 40-gig Maxtor drive, all for the same amount as Apple's stock-configured 1 GHz dualie. There's no Apple Store near me to see the newer one up close.

    I'm not a graphics arts designer or filmmaker but a cultural anthropologist/folklorist/professor who will be burning DVDs for classroom pursposes for the university where I teach. Also, I'd hope whatever I get will still hold its own a few years later.

    I'd appreciate any thoughts on this, but in layman's terms. Apple techies expectedly insist that the newer model is the better way to go.

    Rick :confused:

    So did your price factor in the education discount? The stock Dual also comes with an 80gig 7200rpm drive and the G4MX. Ram is cheap you can get a gig for approximitely $200.

    On the performance basis there isn't much until you start using it in the real world. Here's another link that will help you develop more questions. :)



    nightmare before christmas tattoo. nightmare before christmas
  • nightmare before christmas

  • Reckless
    Sep 20, 02:43 AM
    Only difference I can see is that the 12"pb now has a shipping date of 2 days whereas yesterday, like all the other size models it was 24 hours.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas Leg
  • Nightmare Before Christmas Leg

  • Umit
    May 4, 12:06 PM
    Hi all,

    I've sold my sgs i9000 and switched to iphone 3gs and i am more than happy now. iphone ui is really so smooth and things are cool. I recommend to switch to all android users that got fed up with bugs and lags.

    I've purchased few apps yesterday and i wonder what happens if i switch to iphone 4 (or ip5) in the future? Will i have to re purchase them again?


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. nightmare before christmas
  • nightmare before christmas

  • tristangage
    Aug 19, 01:38 PM
    Pretty cool that you got it for free. I'd quite like an old iMac, to poke around it.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare before christmas
  • Nightmare before christmas

  • tuqqer
    Dec 11, 04:40 PM
    You won't believe this.

    It was a bad wireless card.

    Using brilliant deductive reasoning I finally thought, "this is either a badly seated Airport card, or just a downright bad card."

    After unplugging/replugging the card in numerous times (disconnecting/connecting the little plug each time), just to be sure it was in fact seated well (which I'd done once before last week), I finally opened up my other Mac laptop (which uses the same identical card) and put it into this new iBook.

    Damn. Lightening fast. I"M UP.

    Just to check, I then plugged in this supposedly broken Airport card into my PowerBook, and sure enough: no signal. The card really is bad.

    Why did the iBook work great while in the Apple Store in Cherry Creek? This is what initially had me think that it could not be a hardware problem. Then I realized: perhaps a Mac can get barely pick up a wireless signal even without the Airport card. Either that, or the card kinda/sorta/sometimes would work. And, I'll bet the signal strength in the Apple store was super strong, and got through even a semi-busted airport card.

    That's the first time a problem has actually been the darn hardware in all my 14 years of Mac'ing. I will never again discount physical matter as the potential source of the glitch.

    Criminy. I think I spend about 30-40 solid hours trying to figure this one out.



    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • adpretto
    Apr 30, 09:39 AM
    Hey There,

    San Diego Again

    So Me and My GF were at the Fashion Valley Mall San Diego Store waiting in Line and we were just asked to leave the Mall til it technically opens at 10am

    The Security Guard also said that the Mall Management had no idea of a Special Event Occurring today , and until the Apple Store Notifies them the we are not allowed to Form a line outside the store.

    All we can do is wait in the Malls Food Court.

    So until 10am we are back at home browsing the forums trying to get more info.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. nightmare before christmas
  • nightmare before christmas

  • Horrortaxi
    Aug 19, 01:46 PM
    I think I'm onto something good. Have you heard of the 5 stages of grief? If you learn you have a fatal disease or a loved one has a fatal disease (also applies to relationships) you go through 5 stages: denial, resentment, bargaining, depression, acceptance. With that in mind, here are the Five Stages of Switching:

    The first stage is denial

    Upon hearing others badmouth Windows, the user reacts with a shocked, "No, it�s okay. It�s got problems but computers have to crash sometimes." This is not a healthy stage, but permits some users to not blindly accept Microsoft�s BS and develop other defenses.

    Next comes anger or resentment

    "What makes Mac users think their computer is better than mine? Jerks!" is the question asked now. Abuse, directed against the Mac community (usually on internet message boards and in Comp USA) often is a part of this stage. This outcry should be accepted, unjudged. You cannot reason with somebody in this stage. Facts are lost on them.

    The third stage is bargaining

    "Windows has problems, but�" "If I buy the latest version and install all the patches . . ." This is a period of temporary truce.

    The fourth stage is depression

    Now the person says, "Yes, Windows sucks and is ruining my life," with the courage to admit that it is happening; this acknowledgment brings depression. (Note: The family rarely goes through the stages along with the user. Rather, they enable the denial and resentment stages)

    Finally comes acceptance

    The user buys a Mac and demolishes his old PC with a baseball bat, just like the fax machine in Office Space. This is often a difficult time for the family, since the patient tends to withdraw to use his Mac. It is also difficult for the family because they are probably in denial themselves.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. nightmare before christmas
  • nightmare before christmas

  • Mikesus
    May 3, 09:58 PM
    Did you try it without reloading anything?


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • Dubi
    Mar 24, 09:01 PM
    just an update.. I thought best buy was supposed to be doing the ticket system at 10am ?

    I just called them and I was told that she cannot confirm on any of it .. except that iPads are being released tomorrow


    no concrete information even though launch is less than 24 hours away?


    apple store @ pacific centre said they are doing ipads at 5 but don't know the quantity/stock ...

    this is so frustrating I should've just gotten the ipad from the states last week or something

    i guess they do, it's just marketing.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • apexfork
    Jun 26, 01:49 AM
    why exactly did i pay $1500 to attend if they're going to make the videos available free less than a week after the event?



    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • rock6079
    Aug 15, 05:19 PM
    Yeah, Virgin Mobile does it, too.

    r u kidding thats crazy. know of ne others that do ?


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Jack From The Nightmare Before
  • Jack From The Nightmare Before

  • madmaxmedia
    Feb 17, 01:37 AM
    What changes did you make with Camino? That's the one I use. I actually prefer that it is very simple looking, rather lots of fruity icons. ;)

    I am fine with Safari too. I'm looking forward to the Mac-optimized (Aqua) Firefox, although Firefox takes longer to start up than the other 2.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. heart lock tattoo. Lock
  • heart lock tattoo. Lock

  • stevemiller
    Dec 31, 01:52 PM
    for the longest while i've been using my g5 tower as my media player connected to my tv. it sorta got the job done, but it takes up a bunch of space, doesn't really handle hd material very well, and osx isn't really an interface designed to be used from the couch.

    so i started to wistfully consider the "it only does everything" marketing of the ps3. i don't have a blu ray player or a modern gaming system (last i owned was super nintendo, yeahh!!!), and it sounded like it could also replace the clunky functionality of the g5.

    after finally deciding to splurge on one over the holidays, i'm finding that i'm having some buyer's remorse, but i'm not sure if its just because i'm not doing things properly. here are my issues:

    -the web experience is *awful* - i don't know how apple can be slammed so much for eliminating flash from their devices when almost every video site i visited on the ps3 was non functional... from vimeo, to an hd-less and horribly low-bitrate version of youtube, to any network sites that would have streaming episodes of their tv shows just showing a black screen where video content would have gone.

    -netflix is useless in canada (this is less a ps3 issue but definitely detracts from its value). i knew their selection was limited, and $8 is pretty cheap for all you can watch, but there's not much there i *would* want to watch.

    -streaming downloaded content from sources like other computers is terribly limited. i was fortunate enough to have a western digital mybook world that has a build-in media server which works well enough, but from the sounds of things accessing content from a macbook or even the g5 would be a headache and might require paid software.

    overall i don't want to slam the ps3 as i'm sure its a great game system and blu ray player, and maybe those will be reason enough to keep it... i had just hoped for more in its media streaming capabilities, and i don't know if i'm overlooking some good work arounds, or if sticking with the g5 for those tasks really is the better solution.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas by
  • Nightmare Before Christmas by

  • zap2
    Apr 16, 03:41 PM

    No questions asked


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Leave a Comment. Awesome
  • Leave a Comment. Awesome

  • r.j.s
    Feb 20, 06:49 PM
    Do not start threads to solicit for donations - regardless of the cause.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. The Nightmare before Christmas
  • The Nightmare before Christmas

  • bursty
    Sep 21, 12:35 AM
    I just picked up a Sony DSC-V3 for about $450. Helluva camera, normally $700 but I found it cheap online. I highly recommend it, many great features: 7.2MP, Full manual mode, awesome lens with the ability to add other lenses.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • bluehill
    May 2, 09:38 AM
    The performance tool is showing leak at this position( red color).

    NSString *street = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"add"]];
    NSString *city = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"city"]];
    NSString *state = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"state"]];
    NSString *pin = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictContact objectForKey:@"pin"]];

    NSMutableString *address = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@+%@+%@+%@",street,city,state,pin];
    [address replaceOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@"+" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [address length])];

    [street release];
    [city release];
    [state release];
    [pin release];

    //NSLog(@"Address %@",address);
    MapViewController *mvController = [[MapViewController alloc]init];
    [mvController setAddress:address];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:mvController animated:YES];
    [mvController release];

    [address release];


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. jack n sally jack and
  • jack n sally jack and

  • rushad0
    May 5, 11:49 AM
    thank you guys for the replies.

    i have been researching and these are the steps i plan on taking. please let me know if they seem reasonable for my particular phone.

    Step 1:
    jailbreak on 4.3.2 using ----- ------------



    Step 2:
    unlock on 4.3.2 using----------------------



    If you guys have any experience with sn0wbreeze 2.6, please share.


    nightmare before christmas tattoo. Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • Leareth
    Nov 29, 12:17 AM
    Plextor is crap, does not like Mac apps at all and eats discs
    go with the La Cie Drive

    Apr 1, 12:57 PM
    I can't figure this one out. I successfully jailbroke my 1st gen iPad after using pwnage tool and tetheredboot.

    However when I open cydia and do the required updates it asks me to reboot, so I do so but it keeps on going through a boot loop.
    I then put it in DFU and do the tetheredboot command in terminal but it fails every time saying:

    Macintosh-6:~ Eddy$ /Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/tetheredboot -i/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/iBSS.k48ap.RELEASE.dfu -k/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/kernelcache.release.k48
    Initializing libpois0n
    Waiting for device to enter DFU mode
    opening device 05ac:1227...
    Found device in DFU mode
    Checking if device is compatible with this jailbreak
    Checking the device type
    Identified device as iPad1,1
    Preparing to upload limera1n exploit
    Resetting device counters
    Sending chunk headers
    Sending exploit payload
    Sending fake data
    libusb:error [darwin_transfer_status] transfer error: timed out
    libusb:error [darwin_reset_device] ResetDevice: device not responding
    Exploit sent
    Reconnecting to device
    libusb:error [darwin_close] USBDeviceClose: no connection to an IOService
    Waiting 2 seconds for the device to pop up...
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Command completed successfully
    Unable to reconnect
    Unable to upload exploit data
    Exploit injection failed!

    So then my only option is to restore again through itunes and rejailbreak which means I loose the updates I install. I've done this about 5 times now and it's really pissing me off.

    Is snowbreeze more reliable then the method I'm using? If so I may have to boot in bootcamp and try.

    Feb 16, 02:33 PM
    HAven't taken her out in public yet, since i don't have a carrying case (still undecided what to get) as for having more space while at home, yes i love it, cause it allows for an easier time doing multiple things at once. I will be taking her out though a little later today to a group meeting i need to go to, nad she'll probably come to shcool with me soon, so Ill have a better idea of what all is going on then..

    May 6, 04:24 PM
    Image (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/12/ateaseuserfolder6923567.png/)

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
    Image (http://www.technewsdaily.com/images/stories/mac-osx-lion-launch%20pad_101020-02.jpg)

    How far we've come.

    It just looks prettier.

    Sep 17, 08:06 PM
    its pretty safe and realiable..

    pretty cheap too compared to all the other methods of transit......

    Dec 6, 06:24 PM
    Easy fix.

    99% of times it is WM9. To prevent the plugin from loading go '/Library/Internet Plugins' and trash or move
    "Windows Media Plugin". I have created a folder called Disabled, I move it to there, and if I want it I move it back to the plugins directory.

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