Tuesday 17 May 2011

happy birthday cartoon

happy birthday cartoon. Happy Birthday Cartoon Cat and
  • Happy Birthday Cartoon Cat and

  • hexonxonx
    Apr 16, 02:56 AM
    I love my AT&T iPhone 4 and 3GS. On the iPhone 4, upgrading to 4.3.1 was flawless with no problems. The 3GS started having battery drain. Within 6 hours, it would be at 60% with just a bit of usage. I would usually be at 60% after 24 hours. I downgraded to 4.1 where I was before. Nothing on 4.3.1 was worth upgrading to. I don't have a supported printer for air printing and for airshare, the only thing I can share back and forth to is my MBP.

    Any battery problems on this latest update?

    I have had a flawless experience with AT&T over the past few years and will remain with the next iPhone.


    happy birthday cartoon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERRI!

  • Themaeds
    May 4, 06:37 AM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Just like 99% of the people who post on this board


    happy birthday cartoon. Birthday Cartoon comments
  • Birthday Cartoon comments

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 26, 12:25 PM
    this is APPLE we are talking about. nothing is free and nothing is cheap.

    No one is expecting it to be free, but there better be more than what can be done for less. Apple likes to throw stuff and hope fanboys will pay without question. I am all for paying but not if there is nothing there but what other are offering for less or even free.

    Reminds me of the New York Times and wanting payed subscription. Sure I will pay if there is benefit like them actually doing news and not just copy paste stories. You want my money you have to offer me real quality and substance as I figure most who are not from the Apple fanboys club will agree. :rolleyes:

    Those who are use to playing for nothing are different to those like me who only pay for quality and substance because I can go somewhere else for the same service. :cool:


    happy birthday cartoon. Cartoon: Happy Birthday
  • Cartoon: Happy Birthday

  • Icaras
    Apr 26, 12:33 PM
    I don't know about other countries, but I've noticed so many people in America just expect almost everything to be free these days.

    I mean, seriously? It's getting a little tiresome.


    happy birthday cartoon. Birthday Candles Clipart
  • Birthday Candles Clipart

  • spacepower7
    May 3, 12:22 AM
    Ok a couple of things

    Assume Apple and Amazon have the same deals with the record labels which is most likely the case.

    Let's rough estimate that for every $0.99 song sold by Apple or Amazon then 69 cents go to the label. Therefore Amazon does not lose money on the sale but maybe a tiny fraction of a cent on infrastructure and credit card processing.

    If Amazon sold the songs for $0.68 then that would be considered "dumping" by the FTC and WTO, and that is an illegal action, especially if it was intended to gain market share.

    Competition is good - and then results benefit the consumer.
    If Amazon has an incredible increase of market share by selling low, they either have to raise prices eventually or renege their contracts with the labels making music downloads cheaper. If they are successful at lowering prices then Apple will do the same, and we all benefit. ;)


    happy birthday cartoon. you a happy birthday
  • you a happy birthday

  • ratzzo
    Apr 23, 06:54 PM
    The more carriers with iPhone reach, the better. Competition only benefits us, the customers.


    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Perrumpo
    Jun 16, 10:33 AM
    haha, this makes it onto MR?

    My little cousin purchased $2,820.75 from the app store on an iPod Touch. And Apple wasn't going to refund any of it until a transcript from an internal chat was somehow included in a email to my Aunt that consisted of very rude talk behind her back.

    I have the emails, but my aunt and uncle aren't finished with the fiasco with Apple's legal team, so I can't show them.


    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon images
  • happy birthday cartoon images

  • The Final Cut
    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    lol @ everyone that waited for the white iphone...


    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • imacken
    Nov 13, 03:33 AM
    It's available in the Canadian Store.

    That's weird. On the web-site it says US only - coming soon to ROW.


    happy birthday cartoon. draw a irthday cartoon on
  • draw a irthday cartoon on

  • akac
    Nov 4, 01:37 PM
    How to do such changes? Thanks.

    Edit the VM. Go to VM Flags page and choose the cache policy.


    happy birthday cartoon. Funny Happy Birthday Cartoon
  • Funny Happy Birthday Cartoon

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 18, 12:47 AM
    I love the Macbook Air but I would hate it if they released a new one. Especially since this was only out in 10/2010.

    it's going to be a spec upgrade. this happens every year with hardware


    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Eidorian
    Nov 3, 11:43 AM
    Parallels just posted an update on their blog about USB 2 and 3D graphics:

    w00t for competition :DSounds like another copy of Parallels to buy. :(

    But yay! Competition.


    happy birthday cartoon. stock vector : happy birthday
  • stock vector : happy birthday

  • MacRumors
    Jun 6, 01:19 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/06/eleven-year-old-accidentally-downloads-1000-app/)


    An eleven-year-old boy in Northern California accidentally downloaded (http://www.necn.com/06/05/10/Boy-accidentally-downloads-99900-Smart-p/landing.html?blockID=247714) the $999.99 BarMax bar exam preparation application (iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/barmax-ca/id345722008?mt=8)) using an iPod touch. He didn't mean to make the purchase and was surprised when it started to download the 1GB app. His mother was equally shocked, especially after she learned the price and that her son had not been prompted for an iTunes password.

    They paused the download and went to an Apple store but were told that the store couldn't help. However, the boy's mother then emailed Apple and received a return phone call telling her that they would receive a full refund.

    Article Link: Eleven-year-old Accidentally Downloads $1000 App (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/06/eleven-year-old-accidentally-downloads-1000-app/)


    happy birthday cartoon. Cartoon: Happy Birthday
  • Cartoon: Happy Birthday

  • spillproof
    Sep 30, 01:10 AM
    I never knew people were experiencing this many dropped calls. I guess I don't make calls enough to experience all the fail. AT&T is the only phone company I've had, so I don't know any different. If Verizon did get the iPhone, I'm sure their network would struggle a bit too.


    happy birthday cartoon. And here are irthday cartoons
  • And here are irthday cartoons

  • SeanZy
    Mar 16, 11:07 AM
    Ample supply of 64 Verizon at SCP for no, but was told by the mall cop that we were not allowed to "loiter" and he told everyone in the back of the line to leave or we would be forced to leave. Real nice.


    Dude the South Coast Plaza security are grade A douchebags. They are definitely on a high horse... I guess a lot of people around that area are.


    happy birthday cartoon. Cartoon: Happy Birthday Cards
  • Cartoon: Happy Birthday Cards

  • Apple Corps
    Apr 12, 11:12 PM
    That doesn't say anything remotely similar to "envisioned by apple." either. In fact, from your own article, try this link :


    Let's not give a bigger role to Apple than the one they played.

    NO - it does state that Apple had a major role - don't have the interest to get into a tech crunch vs engadget pi$$ing match as to which one is correct BUT there are some articles CITING the point.


    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday animated images
  • happy birthday animated images

  • baleensavage
    Apr 22, 04:32 PM
    Ugh, don't go back to that awful scratch-magnet shiny metal back. It's bad enough us iPod touch users have to deal with it. That's one of the worst designs for a handheld. The glass back was classy and made for a much nicer phone. I also can't see why Apple would take such a huge step backwards in design to make it look more like the first iPhone.


    happy birthday cartoon. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • arkmannj
    May 3, 08:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Mac Mini: Core2Duo

    :( :rolleyes:

    maybe our day will come soon,


    happy birthday cartoon. Non-animated Happy Birthday
  • Non-animated Happy Birthday

  • dXTC
    Jan 12, 10:35 AM
    Don't be repelled by the severely obese person you meet or the severely emaciated person you meet; these are real people with real feelings, real issues hiding in there somewhere and the bottom line is that these are people who need help.

    Golf clap. F'real. This echoes one of the core tenets of the Size Acceptance movement: Accept people as they are, not as you think they should be.

    Apr 14, 12:28 PM
    I'm not touching this. I'm perfectly fine on my jailbroken 4.2.6 :D

    Oct 24, 08:33 AM
    802.11n isn't due for ratification until 2008. There is a "Draft N v 2.0" due out next year that is supposedly close to what 802.11n will be but there's no guarantee anything will work until the final spec is released in 2008.
    As long as it works with the 802.11[whatever] that the iTV ships with, it'll work for me. :)

    Apr 13, 02:29 PM
    Yeah, this is stupid! I see no reason for Apple to release their own television set.

    As a few others have mentioned, I could see Apple license iOS or AirPlay for integration int the sets manufactured by others.

    And the current generation AppleTV is more then powerful enough to support the rumored video streaming service. If Apple does release this service (low cost subscription) I will be one of the first to signup. (Good Bye crappy Hulu+).

    Apr 28, 07:02 PM
    I'm pretty sure it's just an illusion because of the color difference and the angle of the shot. Makes no sense why Apple would need to or want to do that.

    Bleeding light, maybe? Perhaps the plastic needed to be a bit thicker to prevent this. Alternatively, maybe they're providing a "free," built-in sort of bumper to mitigate the antenna problems. :)

    Apr 15, 11:07 AM
    I had the same issue with my 3GS, I had to edit my /etc/hosts file using Terminal and remove the line with gs.apple.com in it.

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