Tuesday 17 May 2011

sad love quotes wallpapers

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  • obeygiant
    Mar 8, 07:25 AM
    I wonder how Emilio Estevez is doing during all this..


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  • InuNacho
    May 1, 11:05 PM
    So on the way to work or school tomorrow be sure to count how many cars have American flags in the windows.


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  • puckhead193
    Oct 23, 12:30 PM
    wait... people actually read the license agreement ;)
    I have a feeling apple will include some type of virtualization software that doesn't require windows at all... (just a gut feeling)


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  • wiraone
    Nov 3, 03:19 PM
    Just ordered Parallels Desktop just now .. I'm more than eager to get a hand on the VMware too. I'm currently running VMware on my Linux machine ..


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  • StealthGhost
    Mar 11, 08:47 PM
    I'm sure all the Best Buys are sold out, but Orange@Tustin and Yorba Linda are for sure.

    Pretty stupid.


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  • rdowns
    Jan 30, 01:00 PM
    I heard on the radio that the first thing he did every morning was to pull up TMZ to see what Charlie had done so if he knew whether to go to work or not

    And I saw a tweet that said that Lindsay Lohan was worried about him
    You know if she is worried about him you have reached the bottom

    That's funny.

    I think the phrase, "partying like the Kennedy's" needs to be updated. :D


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  • MartiNZ
    Mar 31, 02:31 PM
    Not sure if it has been said, but, changes for iChat - any chance of proper MSN support? I never got the jabber workaround to work reliably for long, but it would be sooo nice to be able to use the built-in app, just like when they finally did Exchange support in Mail. I can dream.


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  • NT1440
    May 1, 11:12 PM
    my fear is the democrats will try to use this a political gain and that is so very wrong both to the military and for this good event.

    It turns a great event into worthless BS. It was just luck of the draw that a Dem was in power when this happen and it was only a matter of time. I already am watching some people try to turn it into political gain and it makes me sick.

    ALL OF THEM will use this as validation or some type of proof that we need to "stay the course" on our un-winnable wars.

    If anything this will have just made our foreign policy situation worse. Get ready for the blowback, because this event definitely pissed off some extremists.


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  • Snowy_River
    Oct 23, 10:19 AM
    Setting aside the question of no VM at all, has it occurred to anyone that having a restriction on running in a VM even on the licensed machine could put a damper on the idea of having Parallels (or VMWare) be able to start up off of the BootCamp partition? As that's an ability that I've been wanting, that's something that bothers me about this....


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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 01:23 AM
    Corporations are evil.

    Apple is evil, so is samsung. Why anyone would have an emotional yearning for one company above another is beyond me, both companies would gladly take all your money for nothing if you let them.

    Let them duke is out, neither is right.

    There you go, making sense. That isn't tolerated around here. :D


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  • Paul Graham
    Jan 31, 03:52 PM
    Why have a Canon and a Nikon? Does that not mean you have to buy lenses for both?

    Why not?
    I have lenses for both, But I do have numerous adaptors that let me use my entire lens collection on all my cameras.
    So I do save money in that sense.

    Why do people have two or more computers, An xbox AND a ps3 etc etc etc.....

    both cameras have their pros and cons, And I utilize both for their pros!
    As I do with my film slr's.

    Plus... I also collect cameras, Hense why i have more than one film cam.


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  • dexthageek
    Apr 13, 03:06 PM
    If Apple is making a TV, it's better be 3D, because I already have a HDTV and the next purchase is going to be a 3D one.

    Ha you would! I see you even purchased a "HiFi". 1 of what 50 sold?


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  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:01 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.



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  • andrewbecks
    Apr 25, 09:56 PM
    Remote access with iPad to a Mac works fantastic with a number of programs / utilities... Just Do it :)

    Agreed! I use LogMeIn Ignition paired with a Bluetooth mouse and it works quite well. So much so that I'll be replacing my 2009 MBP with a new iMac when they are released next week.


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  • kevingaffney
    Apr 22, 04:46 PM
    Before seeing this, I had more or less decided I would skip the next upgrade but I have to admit I love that design. Stick 64 gigs in it and I'll be at the top of the queue


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  • kalsta
    Apr 20, 09:28 AM
    Was thinking more of a desktop touch screen device. Different from the iPad which wants to be picked up and used, but is workable on your lap. This mythical desktop touch device would still need to be light enough that you could lift it up and just change it's orientation at will like an iPad. Yet with a stand so it could be standing upright in portrait or landscape yet moved and sit anywhere down to almost flat on the desk. That way if you want the screen upright you can have, yet small enough that your not putting it to far away and for the odd navigation touch command would not be to bad. Yet lying down you get the full advantage and directness of touch screen.

    I do get the picture — this concept of 'best of both worlds'. But I think the reality wouldn't be quite as great as you imagine. Mouse input and touchscreen input are quite different things, and you'd be asking developers on this platform to support both with their apps in order for things to work whether the user has the device upright with a mouse plugged in, or horizontal for touchscreen input as you describe. Otherwise the user would be constantly expected to switch between the two for different tasks, and that would make it a nightmare to use.

    You mention in there that the 'odd navigation touch command would not be too bad' on a vertical screen, and that may be true. If that is your only expectation, that's fine. So what you probably have in that case is still a Mac running Mac OS X, but with a touchscreen capable of supporting certain touch commands and gestures. Of course, Macs are already capable of supporting various multi-touch gestures through a touchpad (or Magic Mouse or whatever), so it's conceivable that they could add a touchscreen as well, to be used occasionally as the need arises, but I'm not convinced that is going to offer the Mac a whole lot more functionality or that it would justify a whole new marketing name.

    See the other part that seems to missing is something that has the directness of touch but and doesn't obscure what your doing like a mouse so you get the accuracy, but you can't do this at the expense of the other input means on there respective platforms. Or in other words a stylus but it has to work with fingers as well but not spongy like the current ones you can buy.

    Adding a stylus to the iPad for certain tasks is fine IMO, and far more natural than switching between a real keyboard and touchscreen. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs made that comment which has been interpreted as 'stylus = fail', so you're not likely to see Apple encouraging that any time soon.

    To me the keyboards a red herring, both OSX and iOS can use either real or on screen keyboard.

    Sure, the iPad can use a real keyboard, but when you do, it really isn't the same experience that makes the iPad special anymore. It's a compromise in order to salvage some of what makes a desktop machine feel more precise, and that's my point — it feels like a compromise between both platforms, not a new and superior experience. The iPad really shines when you're touching it, because that's what it was designed for.

    Yeah okay, so Apple released iWork for the iPad just to show us that they could. I won't be buying it though. It's not what the iPad excels at.

    It's funny for all the advantages of computers it's only now we see them becoming as intuitive as pencil and paper some time in the next 5ish years.

    I think the iPad is already pretty much there when it comes to ease of use (depending on which apps you're using of course). That's why the in-store hands-on display is so effective — anyone from age 3 through to 103 can pick one up and start using it straight away.

    Sometimes less is more, and I think that is probably true of touchscreen interfaces, and why the iPad has hit the mark where Windows-based tablet PC's failed in the past.

    As for why they split off iOS as a branch, well where now five years in and only with Lion is it looking like the two will align.

    People look at the superficial similarities between Lion and iOS and think the two are merging into one OS. I see it differently. Time will tell.


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  • Collin973
    Jul 11, 02:37 PM
    Doesn't look terrible, but similar to the ipod (if that pic is legit). Competition is good though, because it'll stimulate new ideas and better products (hopefully). We'll see what happens, but I love my video ipod (as long as apple doesn't release a better one).


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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 12, 06:40 PM
    I'm sorry if my comment came off as being snide.

    But it really bothers me when people post how wonderful an app is and how useful it is and how it completely replaces a much more expensive app. When in reality it is only a simple consumer level product.

    Others read this forum and buy Pages thinking that they can eliminate the use of Word. Then they find out that it really isn't that compatible with Word files. If you email a windows user a .doc file exported from pages, 7 times out of 10 they have problems with it.

    Most pro printshops, publishers, law firms etc. only except word .doc files. Almost all law firms require a revision history. Collaboration tools are useally also required. Word handles this expertly. Plus it has table of contents tools, book publishing tools, bibliography tools, direct faxing,multitudes of custom templates, VB programing hooks, etc. etc. None of this has an equivalent in Pages.

    I'm glad you found a solution to your problem and I am glad that Pages satisfies your needs for word processing. Maybe someday it will move out of the "consumer" ranks and into the "Pro" ranks when more functionality is added. Apple seems to know the niche that they are addressing very well.

    I've been using Pages since it first came out, and I've exchanged documents that were exported from Pages into Word format with other users without any problems. In general, of all word processors that I've worked with (and I've tried out quite a few), Pages has some of the best Word compatibility that I've seen. (That's not to say that I haven't seen some things move - i.e. graphics - on export, but the errors, if any, are generally minor).

    To go back to the CAD analogy, in years gone by AutoCAD was the only CAD program, for all intents and purposes. Any new CAD programs were frequently measured, first and foremost, by their ability to exchange documents with AutoCAD. Of course, there was never a perfect ability to make such exchanges, as AutoDesk (makers of AutoCAD) kept the definitions of the dwg file format secret, and usually changed it from one version to the next. So, it made import/export difficult for the competitors, much like what MS does with Office. Did the fact that the exchanges weren't perfect mean that companies who chose to use other CAD packages weren't really professionals? No.

    Again, these are just tools.

    Will Pages fit the bill for everyone? Of course not. Does MS Word fit the bill for everyone? No. That's why there are different products out there. Certainly, Pages is not as feature rich (you named some specifics, though you missed some of Pages features in your citation ;) ) as MS Word. It's also a much younger program. Is it going to be a Word Killer? Probably not for the foreseeable future. But it's quite capable of doing what probably 90% of what the Word users out there use Word for. If the other 10% are stupid enough to buy it without checking to see whether or not it has the features that they need to do their jobs, then they deserve to have their money go to Apple.

    Oh, and what's this about "pro print shops" only taking Word files? I've never been to a print shop that didn't like PDF.


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  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 04:09 PM
    A bit harsh, aren't you? They're supposedly integrating better search features into the next version of Pages precisely to improve the researching component of writing. So it's not like I'm the only one who thinks that Pages needs more to better compare to Word. As it stands, I'll give Pages a shot if I need to do something fancier than writing for MFA workshops.

    Plus, I save a couple of bucks.

    Pages isn't Word. It doesn't try to be Word. For those of us who use Pages every day, this is actually a good thing.

    As for being harsh, it seems like every time a thread on subject gets started, someone says Pages is only really suitable for newsletters, and not for "serious" writing. I find that most of the people who say this haven't gotten much past the template selection window. They see all those newsletter and flier templates and assume that this all Pages is good for. They've probably never created a template of their own and so are missing one of Pages' most powerful features.

    Also, it almost never fails in these threads that someone says they'd be using Pages today if it only had certain features that it already has. I don't know that it's being "harsh" to correct the record, but if that's what it is, then I guess that's what I am...

    Jul 24, 04:45 PM
    in for one!

    Been waiting for this to be released since the mighty mouse was intially introduced.

    Apr 16, 09:40 PM
    Awesome news. Anyone test this with the old Unibody Macbook/White Macbook ? Is everything now booting into 64-bit by default ?

    That's what I've heard.

    Jul 28, 10:30 PM
    I've been lurking around for sometime and now thought it was time to join MacRumors.com.

    At any rate, here's my take on Zune, Ipod, Apple and Microsoft. Yes, the facts are:

    1. Microsoft has purchased technologies and integrated them into their OS and/or corporate structure. When they needed a killer application for the xBox, they purchased Bungie. Heck, they didn't even create the NT kernel, purchased that one too.

    2. Apple too have purchased a few technologies along the way too. Final Cut Pro was purchased from Macromedia. iTunes (well it was not called that) was purchased too and released as a different product.

    But what I've not read is that Apple has invested a great deal of money into R and D. Without research and development, Apple would have floundered. When we take that R/D and couple it with the vision of Jobs, Apple has grown in terms that we only dreamed in the mid-90s. Jobs knew this would eventually happen. As CEO of Apple, he has a responsibility to the stock holders to keep that company breathing, but there is more. Apple's culture is deep with Steve. Steve Jobs is Apple. Both are iconic in nature. And Apple is the Mac and the iPod too. So what we have here are strong brand identities like Steve Jobs, Apple, Macintosh/Mac OS X and iPod, incredible brand images that people have come to trust.

    But don't forget Microsoft, the company that saved millions of desktop PCs with a GUI that nearly matched the sheer elegance of the Mac. However, people in the mid-90s loved MS, they could do no wrong. Win98 and NT had a great following. But something happened that many people underestimated - the Internet. Originally designed for Unix, now Windows and Mac clients were able to ride on that "super highway".

    Malicious hackers were writing viruses hand-over-fist attempting to crack and hack Windows machines. Did MS bring them on themselves? Perhaps another topic for another time.

    I personally think that MS's once strong iron-clad hold is beginning to weaken as the consumer no longer trusts them anymore. It's a joke to use Windows now. Restarts, spyware, pop-up ads, disfunctional software and hardware, incompatibility after incompatibility...it's like running around with a Ford Pinto. How much more can the average consumer take?

    Now enter xBox. Yea it's OK but tepid at best by squeezing the market at Christmas time.

    This Christmas is the Zune. MS is taking another shot at the consumer. Will they bite? Don't know because does the average consumer trust Microsoft?

    In the end, Steve has been preparing for this day for a long long time and as usual in his time Steve will provide us with a newly designed iPod and perhaps a few other things too.

    If there is something I learned when working with Apple, it's all about innovation, usability, presentation and execution. Without those four ingredients, Apple would just be another PC manufacturer.

    Lord Blackadder
    Oct 23, 08:31 AM
    The bottom line is that this is just one more EULA violation that people will ignore on a daily basis, unless MS implements some way of enforcing it.

    Jul 25, 01:29 AM
    about bloody time!

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