Tuesday 17 May 2011

cute birthday quotes for boyfriend

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  • ninebythree
    Dec 23, 06:43 PM
    It's okay, I understand what you mean :)

    My mac's a 14" iBook that's been upgraded to 1 GB of RAM and 80 GB HD. I use Airport (so I experience the delayed connection that you've got post-wake) and there's nothing hooked up with Bluetooth.

    I'm so confused as to where this problem could be originating...


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  • djbahdow01
    Jul 10, 09:05 PM
    Yeah i didn't either. Not the best part of town.


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  • ctyhntr
    Feb 20, 04:39 PM
    Just found out that GeoHot, aka George Hotz, a jailbreaker is asking for donations. He is being sued by Sony for his PS3 jailbreaking efforts.

    You can read everything here, and a paypal link if you wish to donate to his cause.


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  • iGav
    Dec 31, 11:09 AM
    Just joking...

    hahahaha I bet you're not. :eek: :p :p

    I'd go with Tribeworks 'iShell', Ben and Casey's 'Processing', Ambrosia's 'Snapz Pro' and finally Discreet for the awesome Combustion 3.


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  • Chaszmyr
    Mar 24, 05:56 AM
    No, but bug fixes and stuff are never a bad thing :)

    I would just prefer those bug fixes be in 1.1 instead :p


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  • l.a.rossmann
    Jun 11, 11:40 PM
    I am not sure if this is the right section.

    I like giving away free information based on my experiences. I wish more people did it so I wouldn't have to buy laptop parts from bad suppliers.

    I know people like t fix things themselves. What I would like to do here is have a list of good suppliers for certain parts where the end user can buy parts for their Macbook one at a time, and a list of ones to avoid, with the reasons why. My experiences will be devoid of bias, personal remarks, and stick to places where I have had the unfortunate experience of doing repeat business.

    I will update this list over time, and I encourage others to chime in. there are many suppliers I have used not listed here since I don't have all the names and information ready off hand.

    I am only listing suppliers of use to people looking to buy one part, not places that specialize in quantities of 50+, as that is useless to joe-blow looking to fix his out of warranty laptop.

    The hall of fame:

    sunvalleytek/sunvalleyus/smartlaptopparts(on ebay)

    They have occasionally sent out the incorrect screen, when they did, they paid for return shipping. They offer amazing prices, and a great RMA process

    screenaid(on ebay)

    see sunvalleyus. They are also great for local pickup in NYC. Unlike sunvalleyus, they do not ship the model they give you in the title. They ship a samsung or something else. For the 13.3" macbook, they do not ship the regular model samsung apple uses. It looks the same to me, but the brightness/dim buttons` on the keyboard will not work unless you have some drivers/a newer OSX installed.

    izashop (on ebay)

    small things like top cases, bezels, etc. fast shipping, best prices, good parts.


    Their prices fluctuate greatly, which is unfortunate. However, they have a plethora of LCDs to select from, the occasional quantity discount, great shipping rates, and decent support.

    The hall of SHAME:


    they claim to use "compatible" parts. However, what they send out is often ****. no model, no name junk with

    - bars down the left side of the LCD
    - poor fit
    - washed out colors

    I have, and others have, been roped into buying from them on numerous occasion. I am hoping someone I heard from recently who went through the experience I did will chime in here. Their parts are trash. They are notorious for the 15.4" LED LCDs that go for $177.

    It is fine to sell alternative compatible models, but they truly stretch the definition of compatible. screencountry does this with a few LCDs, but they ship out ones where there is no visible difference, of established brand names and well known models.


    Imagine you buy part A. The eBay ad claims 13 available and a day later you'll receive an email with "GREAT NEWS!" claiming he's totally out of them, but that he can upgrade you to part B. You say sure, then he asks for more money. But you agreed to the price for part A. It's classic bait & switch, while being careless on eBay I made the mistake of using him a few times.


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  • maflynn
    Feb 2, 07:45 AM
    Apple and every other computer maker is going to be held back. Don't you think apple had sandy bridge based computers in the pipeline

    The biggest difference is others started shipping/advertising those computers before apple


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  • ipadfreak
    Apr 11, 04:21 PM

    I need a REALLY cool iphone case. Kinda like the Switch Easy stuff, just a little thinner. Thanks!


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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 17, 04:34 AM
    AppCleaner will uninstall every part of a program, including the oddball things that don't get uninstalled when you drag it to the trash. And it's free.


    u can also use Appzapper.

    I just tested a few of these, using Skype.app as the file to be deleted.

    AppZapper found 4 items
    AppCleaner found 6 items
    AppDelete found 9 items
    EasyFind found 16 items
    Finder found 17 items
    from http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=11171082#post11171082


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  • cute birthday quotes for oyfriend. The world is full of fools and faint hearts; and yet everyone has courage enough to

  • Anthony8720
    Dec 20, 07:59 PM

    How old is your PB - there was a battery recall.

    It is less than 2 weeks old, and I dont have any cords or anything plugged in.


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  • pagansoul
    Nov 4, 12:43 PM
    This picture is over 5 years old. One day I'll take a picture of what I have now.


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  • tsteakuk
    Mar 24, 04:06 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Recently update, due to the 5pm delay touchwoods opening will revert back to normal hours on Friday morning, same protocol for queuing but of course it's going to be a long day for some. no word from the touchwood apple store as to how they will handle it to not disgruntle the other stores in the shopping centre, considering previous launches sold out and people moved on later in the day so we will see.if your going let me know and might see you there.


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  • devilot
    Dec 14, 09:54 PM
    Me Want!, Me Want!:)Yeah, seriously... that is awesome, DCV! :D


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  • brudog68
    Mar 10, 08:41 PM
    Why don't one of you overachievers figure out how to use a BB's tethering for use with an Ipad2 wifi only. Is there already a way to connect usb to ipad via some type of converter etc?


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  • Fender
    Sep 27, 08:36 PM
    I would just take oral sex over the RAM, but that's just me I guess. :D


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  • bousozoku
    Mar 4, 06:23 PM
    Concerned about my adoptive dad's memory loss, I started folding in 2002. I know that it won't help him but it might help the suffering of those who are caretakers and sufferers in the future.

    We know so little about biology, so if this little bit helps, all the better.


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  • Capt Underpants
    Apr 22, 11:31 PM
    Apple will probably keep the same pricing scheme. But no one knows for sure.


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  • Young Spade
    Apr 22, 01:17 AM
    Haha luckily for you (and I as well) they do, for free, with no questions asked. This is widely known that the polycarbonate Macs crack around the area near the bottom of the screen (plastic) and at the palm rest around the corners.

    Just call ahead, make sure they have the part in stock (tell them that it's cracked and ask if they can fix it in house) and if so, head over there, drop it off, find something to do, and come back later that day and pick it up :)

    The bottom palm rest of my blackbook is cracked and I'm planning on going to the nearest Apple store as soon as I get off for the summer to get it fixed.


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  • Champale
    Sep 28, 10:50 AM
    No opinion on Bluetooth mice. Other than wishing like everyone else that Apple would make their new one in bluetooth.

    I've heard lots of good things on this board about Crucial so you might want to check their ram out.

    Lastly, I edit video on a 15" PB and have had no problems with heat. But I do recommend the ilap. It's a great stand and I've bought two of them to use with both my powerbooks. http://www.raindesigninc.com/ilap.html


    Apr 11, 11:58 AM
    Can you get into the recovery partition ( command-r ) ?

    Yup, I tried fixing the permissions, says the group was 0 instead of 80. After that and I reboot same thing :mad:

    Apr 22, 10:24 PM
    Hi all,

    I need a "cheap", read inexpensive, GSM qwerty keyboard cell phone for my mom. I was going to go on eBay and buy a Blackberry Curve 8310, but then saw it requires a data plan with AT&T. I would like to avoid a mandatory data plan requirement, since she'll never use it.

    I just need good audio quality and text messaging.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Jul 23, 01:18 PM
    Has anyone been able to use the "FixIt" feature that they demo'd? When I make a mistake and it gets red-underlined, I can right click on it and choose "Show Fix It�" but nothing happens...

    Mar 23, 08:48 PM
    Yes, got one and that tablet keypad - both new in box... :)

    Got them close-out from MacMall ($199 for the unit and $49 for the keypad).

    Dec 20, 05:41 PM
    Someone was asking about scanner reviews - not too much that's current out there. Many reviews date from the late 90's!! I guess the push to digital cameras killed most of the market.


    I should note that the 4000ED is my third generation dedicated 35mm scanner. I bought a first generation Nikon personal scanner back in 1993. Hard to get a good scan, as it's dynamic range was pretty bad. My second generation was a Polaroid Sprintscan from 1998. Much better, but single feed and still spotty with complicated slides. I bought the Nikon 4000 in 2003 and have been VERY happy with its performance.

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